





Cantex Inc. 是电线管行业的知名企业,因其对质量和客户满意度的坚定承诺而广受认可。公司的核心价值观围绕诚信、创新和可持续发展。Cantex 优先考虑保持产品的高标准性能和可靠性,同时培养一种持续改进的文化。他们的愿景是通过卓越的制造工艺和对客户需求的深刻理解引领行业发展,确保每件产品不仅满足而且超越预期。



Cantex 提供丰富的电线导管和配件解决方案,旨在满足各种应用需求:

  • 聚氯乙烯导管:Cantex 的聚氯乙烯导管以其耐用性、耐腐蚀性和多功能性而闻名。它有标准型和重型两种选择,适用于各种住宅和商业安装。
  • 配件和附件:公司提供各种配件,包括接头、弯头和连接器。这些部件设计用于安全可靠的连接,确保安装牢固耐用。
  • 特种产品:除标准产品外,Cantex 还提供柔性导管和专用导管系统等特种产品。这些产品专为满足特定要求而定制,包括高温应用和机械应力较大的环境。






凭借 80 多年的行业经验,Iplex 已成为导管解决方案的著名供应商,专注于提供高质量的产品和服务。公司以安全、创新和客户协作为核心价值观,致力于应对行业挑战并提供有效的解决方案。Iplex 的愿景是以可持续和创新的产品引领市场,确保其解决方案满足当前需求并预测未来需求。



Iplex 提供各种导管,专为电气和电信领域的各种应用而设计:

  • PVC-U导管:Iplex的PVC-U导管设计用于保护埋地和地面安装的电缆。PVC-U因其重量轻、易于组装和非导电性能而被广泛使用。这些导管适用于保护光纤和电信电缆。
  • 全面的交付选择:为了优化项目管理,Iplex公司提供导管管材、电气底坑和附件的整套服务。这种方法简化了采购和安装过程,为项目经理和承包商节省了时间和成本。
  • 聚乙烯(PE100)导管:对于涉及非开挖或直接埋设的应用,Iplex提供盘卷或大型桶装的聚乙烯导管。聚乙烯(PE100)导管以其耐用性和灵活性而著称,使其适用于要求苛刻的地下环境。






Atkore 是全球领先的电气解决方案供应商,以其丰富的行业经验和创新而闻名。凭借百年的专业技术,Atkore 致力于提供高质量的产品,为关键基础设施提供电力和保护。公司致力于提供全面的解决方案,确保电力在各种应用中安全、高效、有效地流动。Atkore 对客户满意度和卓越运营的执着追求,巩固了其作为全球值得信赖的首选供应商的声誉。



Atkore 提供广泛的电气产品组合,旨在满足各行各业的不同需求:

  • 导管解决方案:Atkore 提供多种导管选择,包括钢导管、PVC 导管、铝导管以及 PVC 涂层导管。这些导管专为保护不同环境下的电气线路而设计,可确保耐用性和可靠性。
  • 铠装电缆和柔性电缆:该公司的铠装电缆可在恶劣条件下提供更强的保护,而柔性导管则是需要适应性的动态安装的理想选择。
  • 支持系统:支柱系统、线筐和电缆托盘等重要组件可用于支持和组织电气基础设施,从而提高项目执行效率。






65 年来,Electri-Flex 一直是电气行业的开拓者,以其在柔性导管、电线和电缆保护方面的创新、质量和增值解决方案而闻名。公司对卓越的承诺体现在其敬业的员工队伍和行业领先的制造商代表上。Electri-Flex 的强大传统建立在卓越的工艺和前瞻性方法的基础之上,确保其在 21 世纪及以后继续取得成功。



Electri-Flex 提供种类繁多的柔性电线管,可满足各种需求和应用:

  • 无护套/有护套金属导管:以柔韧性和强度著称,适用于各种没有外护套的环境。此外,它还提供了一层额外的护套材料,增强了耐用性和对环境因素的抵抗力。
  • EMI/RFI Shield-Flex®:提供三级屏蔽效果,保护敏感的电子电路免受电磁和射频干扰。可提供无卤素护套,以提高安全性。
  • 非金属导管:重量轻、耐腐蚀,由柔性和刚性聚氯乙烯制成,适用于腐蚀性环境和对重量敏感的应用。
  • 不锈钢导管:具有卓越的耐久性和抗腐蚀性,适用于恶劣或高温环境。
  • 专用导管:无卤导管的设计可在发生火灾时最大限度地减少有毒烟雾。还提供抗菌导管,具有防止微生物生长的特性,是卫生环境的理想选择。耐腐蚀导管可抵御腐蚀因素,确保长期性能和可靠性。此外,Electri-Flex 还提供低温和高温导管,在寒冷环境中保持柔性,在高温环境中抗老化。这些产品既有非金属导管,也有金属护套导管。


Bahra Electric

5.Bahra Electric



Bahra Electric 成立于 2008 年,当时名为 Bahra Cables,现已迅速崛起为电气行业的重要企业。公司最初专注于电线电缆业务,在短短八年内迅速跃升为全球第 48 大电线电缆制造商。这一成就反映了 Bahra Electric 对创新、质量和客户满意度的执着追求。作为其发展战略的一部分,Bahra Electric 实现了产品多样化,目前生产各种互补性电气产品,主要产品线已扩展至 11 个,可满足各行业客户的关键需求。



  • 导管解决方案:Bahra Electric 生产一系列导管,包括超重型、重型、中型和轻型导管。这些导管符合国际标准(NEMA、IEC、SASO),旨在为各种应用中的电气线路提供可靠的保护。
  • 联轴器和适配器:公司提供各种联轴器选项,包括标准、膨胀和伸缩双管膨胀联轴器。Bahra Electric 还提供外螺纹和内螺纹适配器,确保安装的兼容性和灵活性。
  • 盒和弯管:Bahra Electric 生产多种可供选择的电气箱,如环形箱、端子箱和角形箱,以及带喇叭口或接头的重型弯管。这些产品可确保安全有效地铺设电气导管。
  • 鞍座和附件:产品范围包括带式鞍座和带底座的鞍座,以及圆形盖、延伸环、适配盒、弯曲弹簧和用于顺利安装的 PVC 溶剂水泥等基本配件。



6.ANAMET 电气公司



ANAMET 电气公司成立于 1908 年,现已成为柔性液密导管系统制造领域的全球领导者。公司最初以其在耐用导管解决方案方面的专业技术而闻名,如今已扩大了产品范围,以满足各行各业不断发展的需求。阿纳米特电气公司以其对创新、质量和客户满意度的承诺而闻名,并十分重视遵守严格的安全和性能标准。



  • 导管解决方案:ANAMET 电气公司提供全面的导管系统,包括 ANACONDA SEALTITE® 系列。这些产品旨在保护恶劣环境中的电线和电缆,为户外、地下和密闭空间安装提供解决方案。导管选项包括适用于极端温度、腐蚀性条件以及零卤素和防静电环境等特殊应用的类型。
  • 柔性金属导管:公司的柔性金属导管有 UL 认证和非认证两种。这些导管由各种金属(包括铝和镀锌钢)制成,具有柔韧性、抗腐蚀性和抗压性。它们适用于商业、工业和 OEM 应用。
  • 非金属导管:ANAMET 提供经 CSA 认证并符合 RoHS 规范的非金属导管。这些导管非常适合需要灵活性、耐腐蚀性和连续弯曲的应用。产品包括采用各种增强材料的液密、非导电导管。
  • 特种导管:公司的特种导管系列包括用于高级屏蔽、抗辐射和极端温度的解决方案。其中包括专为核安全区、高温环境和食品级应用而设计的导管。
  • 配件和附件:阿纳米特电气的产品系列还包括各种配件和附件。其中包括用于安全连接的金属和塑料配件,以及灯具鞭、电线夹和防火材料等高性能配件。


Steel Tube Institute




钢管协会(STI)是钢管和导管行业的重要资源和领导者。STI 专注于提高制造技术和推广钢管产品的优势,与顶级行业成员合作,为各行各业提供创新解决方案。他们的使命是提供高质量的钢管产品,同时让规范制定者、设计师和建筑商了解钢材在现代应用中无与伦比的实用性和多功能性。



The Steel Tube Institute is recognized for its high standards and diverse product offerings in steel conduit and tubing. STI’s steel conduit products are integral to its mission, reflecting the company’s dedication to delivering reliable, resilient, and sustainable solutions for electrical systems.

  • Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC): Manufactured to deliver maximum durability, RMC is an essential product for environments requiring the highest level of mechanical protection. STI’s RMC is built to withstand severe physical impacts and environmental stress, making it ideal for industrial and outdoor applications. The product’s strength reflects STI’s commitment to producing raceways that safeguard electrical conductors in the most demanding conditions.
  • Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC): IMC from STI combines strength with lightweight properties, offering a flexible solution that balances protection and ease of installation. IMC is perfect for projects that require robust protection but benefit from a lighter, more manageable conduit option, aligning with STI’s mission of providing versatile solutions for a broad range of projects.
  • Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): Known for its ease of use and cost-effectiveness, STI’s EMT is a go-to product for residential and commercial applications. EMT offers reliable protection for electrical wiring in spaces that don’t require the heavy-duty strength of RMC or IMC, yet still demand high-quality performance. The lightweight and bendable nature of EMT exemplifies STI’s focus on providing flexible, efficient, and reliable solutions.


Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd




Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd is a family-owned business with a long and proud history that dates back to the late 1800s when George Whitehouse established a brass foundry in Birmingham. Over the years, the company evolved and adapted to market demands, transitioning from manufacturing brass products like bedsteads and door handles to focusing on flexible tubing solutions for various industrial applications. Guided by four generations of family leadership, the company has continued its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and quality. Today, Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd remains at the forefront of flexible tubing manufacturing, with a dedication to providing reliable solutions to customers across different industries.



  • Flexible Metal Conduits: Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd produces a diverse range of flexible metallic conduits, including PVC-covered, galvanized, and stainless steel options. These conduits are ideal for the protection of electrical cables in construction and industrial applications. The Galvanized Steel PVC Covered Conduit provides excellent protection with its low smoke & fume (LSF) PVC coating, making it suitable for general-purpose applications, while the Stainless Steel Uncovered Conduit offers enhanced temperature resistance for demanding environments.
  • Fittings and Accessories: The company also manufactures a variety of high-quality fittings to complement its conduit products. These include the Swivel Conduit Fitting, a two-piece brass nickel-plated fitting designed for ease of installation, and the Fixed Male Conduit Fitting, which offers a secure, durable connection. Whitehouse also provides Plain Hole Fittings, ideal for seamless installations in a variety of environments.


Champion Fiberglass




Founded with a vision to revolutionize conduit solutions, Champion Fiberglass has become a leading name in the industry, known for its innovation and commitment to excellence. The company specializes in producing high-quality fiberglass conduit (RTRC), a material increasingly favored for its lightweight yet durable properties.

Champion Fiberglass is dedicated to sustainability and efficiency, reflecting in its state-of-the-art manufacturing processes that optimize performance while reducing costs. By focusing on innovation and customer satisfaction, the company supports engineers and industry professionals in achieving their project goals with confidence.



  • Champion Fiberglass delivers a diverse range of high-quality products engineered to enhance performance and durability in various applications
  • Champion Duct: Offers robust and flexible fiberglass ducting solutions designed to provide reliable protection and performance for electrical systems, even in demanding environments.
  • Champion Fiberglass Elbows: Precision-engineered elbows that facilitate smooth and efficient directional changes in conduit systems, ensuring seamless installation and operational efficiency.
  • Champion Flame Shield Phenolic Conduit: Delivers exceptional fire resistance for applications requiring enhanced safety and protection against fire hazards.
  • Champion Haz Duct XW Type: Specialized ducting for hazardous environments, providing superior protection and ensuring compliance with stringent safety standards.
  • Champion Utility & Pole Risers: Durable risers designed for utility and pole applications, ensuring secure and reliable connections under various environmental conditions.







Ctube, a premier PVC conduit and fittings manufacturer based in China, is renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality solutions for cable management and protection. Established with a focus on innovation and excellence, Ctube has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in the electrical conduit industry by continually investing in advanced manufacturing technologies and maintaining a customer-centric approach. The company’s dedication to advanced manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control ensures that its products consistently meet the highest standards of performance and reliability, driving its position as a leader in the field.



Ctube’s extensive product range is known for its durability, flexibility, and superior protection for electrical wiring, ensuring long-lasting and efficient performance in diverse applications. The lineup includes:

  • PVC Rigid Conduit and Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing (ENT): Designed for versatile and reliable cable management across various applications, these products offer excellent resistance to impact, chemicals, and environmental factors, making them suitable for both residential and industrial settings.
  • Conduit Fittings: A comprehensive selection of fittings, including couplings, adaptable boxes, and male adapters, ensuring seamless connections and system integrity. These fittings are engineered to provide secure and reliable junctions, preventing issues such as leaks and disconnections.
  • Low Smoke Halogen Free Conduits: Specially engineered to emit minimal smoke and no toxic gases during a fire, enhancing safety in critical environments such as hospitals, schools, and commercial buildings. This ensures that emergency situations are managed more effectively, minimizing risks to life and property.
  • Photovoltaic Solar Conduits: Built to withstand extreme outdoor conditions with exceptional UV resistance, these conduits are crucial for solar power systems, including the world’s largest solar project, the Abu Dhabi Al Dhafra PV2 Solar Power Project. Their robust design supports long-term performance and reliability in harsh environmental conditions.

Product complies with the AS/NZS 2053 Standard, UL listings, and CSA certification, reflecting Ctube’s adherence to the highest quality and safety standards. This commitment not only ensures the reliability and durability of their products but also reinforces Ctube’s dedication to meeting global industry benchmarks and customer expectations.

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全球领先的 PVC 导线和管件生产商和供应商 | 10 多年的行业经验

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1 英寸 pvc 导管制造商

关于 Ctube

作为中国领先的PVC导管和管件制造商,中立方专注于开发和生产用于电缆管理和保护的创新型PVC导管和管件产品。所有产品均通过 UL、AS/NZS 2053、CSA、CE、ROHS、IEC 等认证。Ctube 致力于为全球市场的客户提供高效、及时的优质产品和服务。您正在寻找可靠的 PVC 电线管制造商和供应商吗?我们将是您的最佳合作伙伴。现在就联系我们,讨论您的需求。




拥有 10 多年的经验



