




PVC 软导管与白色接线盒连接






2.1 软导管的类型


液密软管 (LFMC):LFMC 具有耐用的金属芯,外层包裹着防潮的 PVC 护套。它专为室外或潮湿环境而设计,例如暖通空调系统、室外照明或暴露在飞溅水滴和雨水中的区域。其防水设计可防止湿气进入电线,确保安全和使用寿命。

金属软管 (FMC):FMC 通常被称为 "绿地 "导管,由相互锁定的金属带组成,为室内环境提供了一种坚固而灵活的解决方案。它非常适合机械保护优先的工业和商业应用,如设备间或工厂。FMC 还可与金属盒配套使用,实现接地。

非金属柔性导管 (NMFC)):NMFC 重量轻、耐腐蚀,是一种塑料导管,通常由聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯制成。它非常适合住宅安装,易于操作和切割。虽然成本效益高,但 NMFC 最适合干燥的室内空间,在暴露的环境中可能需要额外的保护。广泛使用的是聚氯乙烯波纹导管,因此称为电气非金属管(ENT)。


2.2 电箱类型






2.2.3 金属箱与塑料箱



2.2.4 箱体尺寸


2.3 导管连接器




90 度连接器:用于急转弯,不会对导管或导线造成压力。在狭小空间或需要在靠近线盒的地方改变方向的安装中,这些设备是必不可少的。





2.4 硬件和工具


螺丝 用于将连接器固定在箱体上。室外或潮湿环境应选用不锈钢等耐腐蚀螺丝。

螺母和垫圈 提供额外的安全性,特别是在金属箱中,严密的密封对接地和稳定性至关重要。

锁紧螺母和衬套: 锁紧螺母可将连接器牢牢固定到位,而衬套则可防止电线与尖锐边缘发生摩擦。


剪线钳/剥线钳 这些工具是准备电线的必备工具,可确保切割干净并正确去除绝缘层,同时不损坏线芯。

螺丝刀 一套螺丝刀(平头螺丝刀、十字螺丝刀或梅花螺丝刀)是固定连接器和箱体部件所必需的。在带电导线附近工作时,应选择绝缘手柄,以增加安全性。

管道弯曲器: 虽然柔性导管具有天然的可弯曲性,但可能需要导管弯管机来实现精确的角度,特别是在金属导管应用中。

卷尺 精确的测量可确保导管长度合适,并减少材料浪费。切割前一定要仔细检查测量结果。

多功能刀 用于修剪非金属导管上多余的材料或清理粗糙的边缘。

钻头和孔锯: 对于需要在箱体或面板上开新孔的安装,这些工具可提供干净、精确的切割。

水平仪和标记: 水平仪可确保安装笔直、专业,而标记牌则有助于规划导管路径和安装点。



3.1 测量导管


精确测量: 首先要测量从一个电箱到另一个电箱,或从电箱到插座、开关或接线口所需导管的确切长度。为了准确起见,一定要使用卷尺,并确保沿着导管运行的路径进行测量,包括任何弯曲或转弯处。

考虑路径: 柔性导管可以弯曲并绕过障碍物,但急转弯会损坏导管或使其难以铺设。一定要为渐进弯曲做好计划。如果要在拐角处或沿着墙壁布线,请测量总距离,并多加几英寸以便调整。

运动账户: 柔性导管通常用于可能发生轻微移动的地方(如墙壁或天花板),因此在测量时要留出一定的松弛空间,以适应这种灵活性。

允许弯曲: 如果打算弯曲导管,则需要考虑弯曲半径并增加一些长度。过紧的弯曲会使导管和里面的电缆受力,从而导致潜在的损坏。

弯曲半径 柔性导管通常有一个最小弯曲半径,这是在不造成损坏的情况下可以安全弯曲的最窄曲线。如果您不确定,一般的指导原则是保持弯曲半径至少为导管直径的三倍。例如,对于 1 英寸导管,最小弯曲半径约为 3 英寸。

3.2 正确的切割技术


要实现干净利落的切割,必须使用正确的切割工具。对于像 ENT 这样的柔性导管,导管切割器(手动或电动)是理想之选,因为它们能进行干净、精确的切割,而不会使导管变形。另外,也可以使用钢锯,但需要确保锯片是细齿的,以防磨损边缘。

固定导管: 切割时,一定要固定好导管,以免导管移动导致切割不平整。在切割时,使用夹子、钳子甚至是搭档将导管固定到位。这一步骤可确保切割更安全、更精确。

切直: 平直、均匀的切割可确保导管正确安装到电箱或连接器中,不会出现任何缝隙或错位。切割时,要保持锯或切割器水平,并始终垂直于导管的长度进行切割。

使用指南: 如果您使用的是锯子,斜切箱或切割夹具可以帮助引导锯子,确保切割平直方正。

专业提示 切割后,用锉刀或去毛刺工具磨平导管切割端周围的尖锐边缘或毛刺。这一步对防止导管损坏电线或安装时不合适至关重要。

3.3 准备电箱


检查包装盒: 电气箱在设计时为各种导管尺寸预留了孔洞。首先检查电箱是否有适合您的导管尺寸的开孔。这些开孔位于电箱的侧面或背面,可以轻松拆卸,为导管开孔。

选择合适的插孔尺寸: 确保您选择的插孔与导管的直径相匹配。如果安装孔过大或过小,导管将无法正确安装,从而可能导致安全问题。

清理杂物: 在进行任何连接之前,请彻底检查和清洁电箱。电箱可能会积聚灰尘、污垢、旧电线绝缘层和其他碎片,这些可能会妨碍正常连接。用干布擦拭电箱,检查是否有旧电线或金属碎片,以免在安装过程中造成危险。

检查是否有障碍物: 确保箱内没有障碍物,以免干扰导线管接头或使其无法正确靠在箱壁上。任何障碍物都可能在试图固定导管时造成问题,导致不安全的连接。

最后检查: 在开始安装导管和进行连接之前,请花点时间仔细检查所有准备工作。确保导管的长度准确无误,护套已正确剥离,电箱干净整洁,可随时连接。安装前的最后检查有助于确保一切顺利,减少出错或需要重做的风险。




PVC 软导管连接盒

步骤 1:定位导管和箱体



将导管与箱体对齐: 在进行任何实际连接之前,请花点时间确保导管与电箱的插孔正确对齐。这将有助于避免不必要的弯曲或扭曲,以免对导管和内部线路造成压力。

为弯曲预留空间(如有必要): 如果需要弯曲软导管进行连接,应预留适当的空间。软导管很容易用手弯曲,但重要的是不要过度弯曲,否则会损坏里面的电线。



步骤 2:安装导管连接器


导管连接器是将软导管与电气箱物理连接的部件。选择与导管尺寸相匹配的连接器,并与电气箱上的开孔相匹配。导管连接器有多种类型,如直式、90 度、应力消除和公/母连接器,具体取决于安装要求。

将导管插入连接器: 将软导管的末端滑入连接器,确保里面的导线不会受损。大多数连接器都有一个扣眼或压缩密封圈,以保护导线和防止磨损。

确保合适: 导管应紧贴连接器内部。如果连接器有螺纹端(如压缩型连接器),应确保螺纹正确啮合,以确保连接牢固。

应力消除(如需要): 在安装导管时,如果导管可能会受到物理应力或需要额外的支撑,则应使用应力消除连接器。这种连接器可以防止导管在拉力作用下被拉出盒外。



步骤 3:将连接器固定到电箱上



拧紧连接器: 用螺丝刀拧紧固定连接器的螺丝或螺栓。确保连接器与接线盒齐平,接线盒和导管之间没有缝隙。这将确保连接牢固、稳定。

必要时使用锁紧螺母: 有些连接器,尤其是与金属导管一起使用的连接器,可能需要锁紧螺母来固定。锁紧螺母位于盒子内侧,拧紧后可将连接器固定到位。务必牢牢拧紧防松螺母,但要避免拧得过紧,否则会损坏盒子或连接器的螺纹。

确保安全密封: 如果使用液密连接器,请检查它是否有橡胶密封圈,以防止湿气进入盒内。这一点在室外或潮湿环境中尤为重要。


步骤 4:拧紧导管



将导管推入连接器: 对于某些类型的连接器,您需要将软导管进一步推入连接器,直到完全就位。如果连接器有压缩或锁定装置,则应将其拧紧,以牢牢固定导管。

检查移动: 拧紧导管后,轻轻拽一下,确保连接牢固。导管和箱体之间不应有任何移动。如果有移动,请重新检查连接,并确保所有螺丝、螺栓或锁定装置都已正确拧紧。


步骤 5:将导线固定在导管内



检查导线长度: 确保导管内的导线足够长,能够到达预定的端子或连接器,而不会被拉紧。如有必要,应修剪多余的导线,以避免缠结或过度松弛。

剥线和接线 如果您还没有这样做,请根据需要剥开电线,并将其连接到电气箱内的相应端子上。确保电线连接紧密牢固,没有裸露的电线。

固定电线: 如果配电箱有用于固定电线的线夹或夹线套,请使用它们将电线固定到位。这样可以防止电线在导管内移动,并保护电线不受损害。


步骤 6:最后检查



检查松紧度是否合适: 仔细检查所有连接,包括导管连接器、导管和电气箱螺丝是否牢牢拧紧。松动的连接会导致电气短路、电阻增大甚至火灾危险。

验证接地连接: 确保任何接地导线或部件都正确连接到电气箱的接地端子上。

检查是否有裸露的电线: 确保没有电线裸露在电箱或连接器之外。裸露的电线会造成触电危险,因此应妥善固定并绝缘。

步骤 7:测试连接



打开系统电源: 在安全的情况下,接通电气系统电源以确保连接正常。检查线路是否存在问题,如短路、过热或断路器跳闸。

寻找问题: 检查导管和电箱周围是否有过热、火花或异常噪音的迹象。这些迹象可能表明连接有问题,需要在继续之前解决。



在进行电气导管安装时,确保符合安全标准和规范对于安装安全和财产保护都至关重要。有几项标准和认证可以指导专业人员选择和安装正确的材料,并确保整个系统有效、安全地运行。这些标准包括 国家电气规范 (NEC)、UL 和 CSA 认证并遵守当地的建筑规范。


2023-nfpa_nec 要求

5.1 NEC 规范要求:导管安装的主要标准

国家电气规范》(NEC)是美国电气线路和设备安全安装的主要标准。在导管安装方面,NEC 提供了明确的指导原则,帮助专业人员避免危险错误,确保系统持久安全。NEC 涵盖的内容包括使用的导管类型、尺寸和安装方法。


5.1.1 NC 314.28:接线盒材料指南





如果接线盒用于危险场所(易爆或易燃环境),其材料必须符合特定的危险场所要求(参见 NEC 370-29)。


5.1.2 NEC 314.16:接线盒的体积大小





用于指挥 每根导线(带电导线、中性线导线或接地线导线)根据其规格都有特定的立方英寸数。

用于设备: 开关、插座和类似设备需要在箱内留出一定的空间。

夹具和连接器: 这些组件也会增加填充计算量。

NEC 导管和盒要求


方框填充公式:NEC 提供了一个表格(NEC 表 314.16(B)),为每个项目分配了立方英寸值。总填充量不得超过箱体的额定容积,以避免过热、电气故障或难以正确连接。

5.1.3 NC 370-29:用于危险场所的接线盒


防爆箱和防尘箱:在危险场所使用的接线盒必须具有防爆(I 类 1 分区或 2 分区)或防尘燃(II 类 1 分区或 2 分区)等级。这些接线盒必须能防止电气设备的火花、电弧或热量引燃。




5.1.4 NEC 314.29:用于非危险场所的接线盒


一般安全: 箱体应符合一般安全标准,为安全的电气连接提供足够的空间,并防止过热。

防风雨: 在暴露于潮湿、灰尘或污垢的区域(如室外安装),箱体必须具有防风雨功能,并根据环境条件进行评级。例如,户外接线盒必须符合潮湿或潮湿场所的要求(如 NEMA 3R、4 或 4X)。

遵守法规: 非危险接线盒仍必须符合 NEC 的所有其他适用章节,包括与接地(NEC 250.110)、工作空间(NEC 110.26)和盒内填充计算(NEC 314.16)相关的章节。

5.1.5 NEC 250.110:接线盒接地指南


接地连接: 接线盒必须有正确的接地连接。这包括将接线盒与建筑物或结构的接地系统连接起来的接合跳线或接地线。

金属盒 对于金属接线盒,接线盒本身可用作接地导体。接线盒内必须有接地螺丝或接线端子来连接接地线。

非金属箱: 非金属接线盒需要将外部接地线连接到接地端子或接地螺丝上。接线盒的塑料材料不导电,因此必须有一根独立的接地导线连接到接线盒上。

接地系统的完整性: 必须在整个电气安装过程中维护接地系统,以确保电气系统的安全运行并防止触电。

5.1.6 NEC 110.26:净空准则


前部净空: 配电板和接线盒前必须留出最小的工作空间,以便安全操作和维护。通常情况下,根据电压和安培数的不同,这一空间必须至少有 30 英寸宽,并从地面延伸到天花板。

净空深度: 工作空间的最小深度取决于电压(例如,对于 600 伏或更低的电压,空间至少要有 3 英尺深)。更高的电压需要更大的间隙。

净空高度: 为确保安全接近接线盒,接线盒或配电盘的顶部应留有足够的高度余地,通常至少要高出地面 6.5 英尺。

障碍物: 工作空间内不得有可能妨碍接线盒安装或维修的障碍物,所有接入点必须保持畅通。

5.2 UL 和 CSA 认证:认证材料和连接器的重要性


UL(美国保险商实验室)和 CSA(加拿大标准协会)认证在维护电线管安装安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用。这些组织负责测试和认证电气产品和组件,确保它们符合严格的安全标准。

对于电线管、连接器和接线盒等材料,UL 认证可确保产品经过耐火性、耐用性和承受极端条件的能力测试。带有 UL 标签的导管表明它们达到了各种环境所需的安全和性能标准。同样,CSA 认证确认产品符合加拿大的安全标准,确保在加拿大各地的电气系统中安全使用。

使用经过认证的材料和连接器至关重要,因为这可以最大限度地降低因元件缺陷而导致电气故障或火灾的风险。如果产品具有这些认证,安装人员和建筑物业主就可以确信这些材料经过了严格的测试,适合其预期用途。此外,经过认证的组件还能确保符合 NEC 和其他安全标准,从而更容易通过检查并满足法律要求。




Ctube 是一家值得信赖的高质量 软导管 和电气附件,旨在满足各种项目要求。我们的柔性导管按照最高标准制造,并通过了 UL、CSA 和 AS/NZS 2053 认证,确保性能卓越、经久耐用,并符合国际安全和质量标准。

除柔性导管外,我们还提供全面的 电箱 以及相关配件,如杯梳,为各种应用量身定制。这些产品专为住宅、商业和工业项目提供可靠的解决方案,是苛刻环境下的理想选择。

在 Ctube,我们以提供定制解决方案来满足客户的特殊需求而自豪。无论您的项目需要专业的导管类型还是全套的电气附件,我们的团队都随时准备为您提供帮助。我们将创新、质量和优质的客户服务相结合,帮助您高效地实现项目目标。







选择正确尺寸的连接器需要将连接器与软导管的直径相匹配。导管通常按其标称尺寸(如 ½ 英寸、¾ 英寸)进行测量,标称尺寸应与连接器上标注的尺寸一致。此外,还要确保连接器与所使用的导管类型兼容(如液封导管或金属导管)。尺寸合适的连接器可确保安全配合、防止移动并保持系统的完整性。







如何将软导管连接到电箱:分步指南 阅读更多 "

Choosing the Right Flexible Electrical Conduit for Outdoor Use A Comprehensive Guide




1.1 定义



1.2 与刚性导管的区别


为户外使用选择合适的柔性导管 刚性导管和柔性导管



1.3 选择合适的室外柔性导管的重要性


选择适合户外使用的柔性电线管 户外柔性电线管

在户外应用中使用正确的导管至关重要。户外环境会使导管暴露在恶劣的天气、紫外线辐射和物理磨损下。选择合适的导管不仅能提高安全性,还能延长布线系统的使用寿命,降低电气故障和危险的风险。在本博客中,我们将深入探讨 "室外使用哪种柔性电线管 "这一问题,并介绍各种类型的室外柔性电线管,探讨它们的特点、应用和优势,帮助您在电气项目中做出明智的选择。


1.4 电气软导管的分类



为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 柔性导管分类

柔性导管主要分为两类:夹套型和无夹套型。护套柔性导管根据其材料成分进一步划分。一种是金属芯外加非金属护套,通常称为 LFMC(液密性柔性金属导管),这种导管在提供灵活性的同时还能增强对环境因素的保护。第二种类型是 LFNC(液密柔性非金属导管),完全由非金属材料制成,具有耐腐蚀性和灵活性,通常用于易受潮或恶劣的环境中。


另一方面,无护套柔性导管分为 FMC(柔性金属导管)和 FNC(柔性非金属导管)。FMC 通常由镀锌钢或铝制成,可在更苛刻的环境中提供持久保护。FNC 通常由 PVC、HDPE 等材料制成。




2.1 不透液体的金属软管


2.1.1 什么是液密金属软管?

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 LFMC

根据 NEC 第 350 条的规定,液密柔性金属导管 (LFMC) 是一种圆形截面的滚道,外层为液密、非金属、耐晒护套,内层为柔性金属芯。


2.1.2 LFMC 生产要求如何?


根据 UL 认证,LFMC 导管由铝、黄铜、铜或不锈钢等材料制成。接合带的材料和尺寸必须经过设计,以便在进行大电流测试之前,成品导管能达到所需的电阻值。此外,接合带不应对导管的柔韧性或最小弯曲半径产生负面影响。


金属导管和外护套之间可以选择使用金属编织线,其最小线径为 0.005 英寸(0.13 毫米)。如果导管芯是铝制的,则编织层也必须是铝或镀锡金属,以确保兼容性。


2.1.3 液密金属软管尺寸


成品金属导管必须符合表 5.1 中列出的规定内外直径测量值。这些测量值可确保导管不会过大或过小。

选择适合户外使用的柔性电线导管 LFMC 尺寸

2.2 不透液体的柔性非金属导管


2.2.1 什么是液密柔性非金属导管?


液密柔性非金属导管 (LFNC) 是一种截面为圆形的各种类型的滚道,可通过以下方式弯曲

在没有其他辅助工具的情况下,可以用手进行操作,并在整个使用过程中保持灵活。FNMC 是 LFNC 的替代名称。根据 UL 认证,除非另有标记,否则 LFNC 适用于潮湿、干燥或油性环境,最高温度为 60°C(140°F)。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 LFNC

2.2.2 液密非金属软导管的类型


LFNC-A 型:光滑无缝内芯和外层粘合在一起,内芯和外层之间有一层或多层加固层。

LFNC-B 型:内表面光滑,滚道内壁有整体加固。

LFNC-C 型:波纹状内外表面,无整体加固槽壁。


2.2.3 非金属液密软管的尺寸


LFNC-A 型导管对其内外直径有特殊要求,必须符合表 1 中的标准。为确保符合标准,应使用图 1 和表 1 中规定的去/不去限位规进行测试。导管的独立护套也必须符合表 2 中列出的最小厚度要求。厚度是通过切割和制备成品导管的试样来确定的。平均厚度由五个测量值计算得出,而最小的测量值代表任意点的最小厚度。

选择合适的户外用柔性电线导管 LFNC 尺寸

对于 LFNC-B 型导管,内径和外径必须符合表 3 中规定的尺寸,并使用与 LFNC-A 型导管相同的 "走/不走 "量规方法验证是否符合要求。LFNC-B 型导管的柔性衬里或护套是经过加固的,但其厚度仅在刚性加固层形成的卷曲之间的点处有规定。如表 4 所示,在圆周上至少测量三次,最小的一次代表任何一点的最小厚度。

选择合适的户外用柔性电线导管 LFNCB 尺寸

对于 LFNC-C 型导管,最小内径必须符合表 5 中的规格。该类型导管没有规定外套厚度等其他尺寸。

选择适合户外使用的柔性电线导管 LFNCC 尺寸



3.1 金属软管(FMC)


3.1.1 什么是金属软管?


柔性金属导管 (FMC) 是一种圆形截面的滚道,由螺旋缠绕、成型、互锁的金属带制成。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 FMC

对于柔性钢导管,钢带材料必须由碳钢制成,抗拉强度至少为 34,000 磅/平方英寸(234.5 兆帕)。钢带应始终保持统一的宽度和厚度,以确保制造的一致性。此外,在涂上锌保护层之前,所有表面必须没有水垢和锈迹。


对于挠性铝导管,带材必须满足类似的抗拉强度要求,最低抗拉强度为 34,000 磅/平方英寸(234.5 兆帕)。不过,对于铝,还有一项额外要求,即铜含量不得超过 0.40%。与钢带一样,铝带也应在整个长度上保持一致的宽度和厚度。


3.1.2 金属软管的厚度


柔性金属导管所用金属带的厚度不得小于表 5.1 所示的标准壁柔性金属导管 (FMC)。


例外情况:当导管符合减壁柔性金属导管 (RWFMC) 的规定要求时,金属带的厚度可小于表 5.1 的规定。

选择适合户外使用的柔性电线导管 FMC 尺寸

3.1.3 柔性钢管和铝管的外径要求


对于成品柔性钢导管和铝导管,3/8 至 4 号规格必须遵守特定的外径要求。这些导管的外径不得小于表 9.1 第二栏所列的数值,也不得大于表 9.1 第三栏所列的数值(以英寸为单位)或表 9.2(以毫米为单位)。这样可以确保导管尺寸的一致性以及与电气装置中的配件和其他组件的兼容性。


3.1.4 柔性钢管和铝管的内径要求


同样,规格为 3/8 至 4 的导管的内径必须符合表 9.1 或表 9.2 第四栏所列的最低标准。对于介于 3/8 至 2 号规格之间的导管,内径不得超过这些表格第五栏中给出的最大值。这些规格可确保适当的布线空间,并将过度压缩或容量降低的风险降至最低。

选择适合户外使用的柔性电线导管 FMC 尺寸


3.2 非金属电工套管(ENT)


3.2.1 什么是非金属电工套管?


非金属电工套管(ENT)是一种非金属、柔韧、圆形截面的波纹滚道。ENT 由一种耐潮湿、耐化学气氛和阻燃的材料组成。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 ENT

3.2.2 非金属电工套管的要求


用于 ENT 的材料应为硬质(非塑化)聚氯乙烯(PVC)。机械连接管件应使用 UL 746B 和 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0.17 所述的材料制造,其电气性能和机械无冲击性能的相对热指数 (RTI) 不得低于 90°C(194°F)。


根据 UL 1653 标准,本标准涵盖的耳机是为在特定温度和安装条件下使用而设计的。它们可在最高温度为 75°C (167°F) 和环境温度不超过 50°C (122°F) 的环境中连续工作。


在阁楼安装时,电气非金属管 (ENT) 必须放置在距天花板托梁底部不超过 900 毫米(3 英尺)的地方,而且 ENT 材料的额定温度必须至少为 60°C (140°F),以确保在这些条件下的安全性能。


3.2.3 非金属电工套管的尺寸


表 1 列出了耳鼻喉科器各行业规格的尺寸。

选择适合户外使用的柔性电线导管 ENT 尺寸



3.3 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)导管


3.3.1 什么是高密度聚乙烯导管?



Schedule40、Schedule 80、EPEC-A 和 EPEC-B 是可卷绕的平滑壁高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 电线管的类型,每种类型都单独涵盖在连续长度高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 电线管标准 UL 651B 中。

附表 40 高密度聚乙烯导管是专门为地面应用而设计的,使用至少 2 英寸(50 毫米)的混凝土包裹。它也适用于地下安装,可直接埋入地下或用混凝土包裹,为各种电气项目提供灵活性和耐用性。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 高密度聚乙烯导管

3.3.2 高密度聚乙烯导管的类型和尺寸


Schedule-40、Schedule-80、EPEC-A 和 EPEC-B 导管的外径限制应符合表 5.1 的规定。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 高密度聚乙烯导管尺寸

Schedule-40、Schedule-80、EPEC-A 和 EPEC-B 导管的壁厚限制应符合表 5.2 和 5.3 的规定。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管 高密度聚乙烯导管尺寸

3.3.3 高密度聚乙烯导管的要求


成品导管三个老化试样的平均拉伸强度必须至少是三个未老化试样平均拉伸强度的 95%。此外,未老化试样的平均抗拉强度必须符合用于制造导管的化合物的规定限值。不过,未老化试样的抗拉强度必须不低于 4000 磅/平方英寸(27.6 兆牛/平方毫米,2.76 千牛/平方厘米,或 2812 克/平方毫米),以确保导管保持足够的机械强度。


在 66 psi(455 kN/m²,45.5 N/cm² 或 46.4 gf/mm²)应力条件下,从成品导管中加工出的简单支撑、中心加载的棒状试样偏转 0.010 英寸(0.25 毫米)时的平均温度不得低于 70°C (158°F)。这可确保导管在规定的应力和温度条件下保持足够的抗变形能力





4.1 户外软导管的主要要求


为室外使用选择合适的柔性电气导管 导管安装

  • 防水防潮:导管必须防止进水,以保护电气线路免受损坏和短路,尤其是在多雨或潮湿的环境中。
  • 耐腐蚀性:室外设施经常暴露在可能导致腐蚀的环境中,尤其是在沿海地区或工业区。材料必须具有耐腐蚀性,以确保持久的性能。
  • 抗紫外线:日晒会使材料长期老化。抗紫外线导管对于防止因长期暴露在阳光下而变脆或开裂至关重要。
  • 温度公差:室外导管必须能够承受极端的高低温度波动,以防止材料膨胀、收缩或降解。
  • 抗压和抗冲击性:在导管可能受到物理压力的地方,例如埋在地下或安装在暴露的位置,导管应能承受压力和潜在的冲击而不受损坏。



4.2 不同软导管类型的比较


4.2.1 液密金属软管 (LFMC)




  • 金属芯:为内部电缆提供坚固的机械保护。
  • 塑料护套:具有出色的防水和抗紫外线性能,非常适合户外使用。


  • 卓越的防水性能:外层塑料涂层可确保完全防水,使 LFMC 成为花园、池畔或多雨气候等潮湿环境的理想选择。
  • 耐腐蚀:镀锌钢芯可防止生锈,而塑料涂层则增加了一层防腐蚀保护层。
  • 高耐用性:LFMC 可提供出色的机械应力和冲击保护,是户外设备、机械和外露安装等重型应用的理想选择。




4.2.2 不透液体的柔性非金属导管 (LFNC)


液密柔性非金属导管(LFNC)完全由非金属材料制成,通常是聚氯乙烯(PVC),因此重量轻、柔韧性高。与 LFMC 不同,它没有金属芯,但在室外环境中仍能提供出色的保护。


  • 非金属成分:LFNC 由聚氯乙烯(PVC)等材料制成,具有防腐蚀和高柔韧性的特点。
  • 防潮和防紫外线:塑料的设计具有防水和防日光降解的功能。


  • 安装简便:由于 LFNC 重量轻,与金属导管相比更易于操作和安装。
  • 成本效益高:非金属导管的价格通常低于金属导管,在不影响防潮性能的情况下提供了一种经济高效的解决方案。
  • 耐腐蚀性:由于是非金属材料,LFNC 具有天然的防锈和防腐蚀性能,是沿海或高湿度环境的理想选择。




4.2.3 柔性金属导管 (FMC)


柔性金属导管 (FMC) 有时也称为 "绿地",由螺旋缠绕、相互交错的金属带(通常为镀锌钢或铝)制成。


  • 联锁元l:l: FMC 的设计使其既坚固又灵活,既能绕过障碍物,又能提供机械保护。


  • 强大的机械保护:FMC 的设计可承受撞击和外部压力,因此非常适合导管可能受到物理压力的室外区域。
  • 耐热性:FMC 等金属导管在高温环境下的性能优于非金属导管,因此非常适合安装在热源附近。




4.2.4 柔性非金属导管




  • 非金属:这种导管具有耐腐蚀性和高度柔韧性,便于在弯曲处和障碍物周围安装。
  • 防水:许多非金属导管的额定值为潮湿环境,因此适用于需要防水保护的室外安装。


  • 耐腐蚀:由于是非金属,这种导管具有天然的防锈性能,因此非常适合潮湿、地下或沿海地区的安装。
  • 防紫外线:大多数室外使用的非金属导管都具有抗紫外线性能,可防止阳光照射造成的老化。




4.2.5 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)导管



  • 聚乙烯材料:高密度聚乙烯可耐化学腐蚀、水和冲击,可在恶劣环境中提供持久保护。
  • 极高的灵活性:材料的柔韧性使其易于安装,即使在弯曲或不平坦的地形上也是如此。


  • 防水:高密度聚乙烯导管具有出色的防水性能,是地下电气或电信线路等直埋应用的理想选择。
  • 高抗冲击性:韧性极佳,可承受施工现场的各种条件,即使在地面起伏或晃动的情况下,弯曲和挠曲也不会断裂。
  • 耐温性:抗老化或寒冷天气导致的脆性,并保持抗冲击性







为户外使用选择合适的柔性电气导管 导管标准

5.1 液密金属软管标准

美国保险商实验室(UL 和 ULC)(如 UL360)

NFPA70/NEC 第 350 条

加拿大标准协会 (CSA)(如 C22.2 No.56)。


5.2 液密柔性非金属导管标准

美国保险商实验室(UL 和 ULC)(如 UL1660)

NFPA70/NEC 第 356 条

加拿大标准协会 (CSA)(如 C22.2 No.198)。


5.3 柔性金属导管标准

美国保险商实验室(UL 和 ULC)(如 UL1)

NFPA70/NEC 第 348 条

加拿大标准协会 (CSA)(如 C22.2 No.50)。


5.4 柔性非金属导管标准


5.4.1 聚氯乙烯(PVC)柔性波纹导管/电气非金属套管(ENT)标准

美国保险商实验室(UL 和 ULC)(如 UL1653)

NFPA70/NEC 第 262 条

加拿大标准协会 (CSA)(如 C22.2 No. 227)。


5.4.2 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)导管标准

ASTM 国际标准(如 ASTM F2160、D3485);

美国保险商实验室(UL 和 ULC)(如 UL651A、UL 1990)

NFPA70/NEC 第 353 条


加拿大标准协会 (CSA)(如 CSA C22.2 NO327)











7.Ctube 的 PVC 和 UPVC 软导管


Ctube 是一家专业的导管制造商,致力于为多功能电气安装提供可靠耐用的产品。


我们的 PVC 软导管 符合 UL 651、AS/NZS 2053 和 CSA 等国际认证,可确保在不同环境下的出色灵活性、耐用性和安全性。

为户外使用选择合适的柔性电气导管 Ctube ENT

Ctube 还提供特殊的柔性导管系列:太阳能导管系列和低烟无卤(LSZH)导管系列。太阳能导管专为光伏应用而设计,具有卓越的抗紫外线和恶劣天气条件的能力。温度范围为 -15 至 +105℃,并且具有阻燃性。这种导管可确保长期的耐用性和性能,是太阳能安装的理想选择。


无论您需要在动态环境、户外应用或密闭空间中保护线路,您都可以信赖 Ctube,它能以最高标准的性能和可靠性保护您的电气系统。















为户外使用选择合适的柔性电线导管:综合指南 阅读更多 "







Cantex Inc. 是电线管行业的知名企业,因其对质量和客户满意度的坚定承诺而广受认可。公司的核心价值观围绕诚信、创新和可持续发展。Cantex 优先考虑保持产品的高标准性能和可靠性,同时培养一种持续改进的文化。他们的愿景是通过卓越的制造工艺和对客户需求的深刻理解引领行业发展,确保每件产品不仅满足而且超越预期。



Cantex 提供丰富的电线导管和配件解决方案,旨在满足各种应用需求:

  • 聚氯乙烯导管:Cantex 的聚氯乙烯导管以其耐用性、耐腐蚀性和多功能性而闻名。它有标准型和重型两种选择,适用于各种住宅和商业安装。
  • 配件和附件:公司提供各种配件,包括接头、弯头和连接器。这些部件设计用于安全可靠的连接,确保安装牢固耐用。
  • 特种产品:除标准产品外,Cantex 还提供柔性导管和专用导管系统等特种产品。这些产品专为满足特定要求而定制,包括高温应用和机械应力较大的环境。






凭借 80 多年的行业经验,Iplex 已成为导管解决方案的著名供应商,专注于提供高质量的产品和服务。公司以安全、创新和客户协作为核心价值观,致力于应对行业挑战并提供有效的解决方案。Iplex 的愿景是以可持续和创新的产品引领市场,确保其解决方案满足当前需求并预测未来需求。



Iplex 提供各种导管,专为电气和电信领域的各种应用而设计:

  • PVC-U导管:Iplex的PVC-U导管设计用于保护埋地和地面安装的电缆。PVC-U因其重量轻、易于组装和非导电性能而被广泛使用。这些导管适用于保护光纤和电信电缆。
  • 全面的交付选择:为了优化项目管理,Iplex公司提供导管管材、电气底坑和附件的整套服务。这种方法简化了采购和安装过程,为项目经理和承包商节省了时间和成本。
  • 聚乙烯(PE100)导管:对于涉及非开挖或直接埋设的应用,Iplex提供盘卷或大型桶装的聚乙烯导管。聚乙烯(PE100)导管以其耐用性和灵活性而著称,使其适用于要求苛刻的地下环境。






Atkore 是全球领先的电气解决方案供应商,以其丰富的行业经验和创新而闻名。凭借百年的专业技术,Atkore 致力于提供高质量的产品,为关键基础设施提供电力和保护。公司致力于提供全面的解决方案,确保电力在各种应用中安全、高效、有效地流动。Atkore 对客户满意度和卓越运营的执着追求,巩固了其作为全球值得信赖的首选供应商的声誉。



Atkore 提供广泛的电气产品组合,旨在满足各行各业的不同需求:

  • 导管解决方案:Atkore 提供多种导管选择,包括钢导管、PVC 导管、铝导管以及 PVC 涂层导管。这些导管专为保护不同环境下的电气线路而设计,可确保耐用性和可靠性。
  • 铠装电缆和柔性电缆:该公司的铠装电缆可在恶劣条件下提供更强的保护,而柔性导管则是需要适应性的动态安装的理想选择。
  • 支持系统:支柱系统、线筐和电缆托盘等重要组件可用于支持和组织电气基础设施,从而提高项目执行效率。






65 年来,Electri-Flex 一直是电气行业的开拓者,以其在柔性导管、电线和电缆保护方面的创新、质量和增值解决方案而闻名。公司对卓越的承诺体现在其敬业的员工队伍和行业领先的制造商代表上。Electri-Flex 的强大传统建立在卓越的工艺和前瞻性方法的基础之上,确保其在 21 世纪及以后继续取得成功。



Electri-Flex 提供种类繁多的柔性电线管,可满足各种需求和应用:

  • 无护套/有护套金属导管:以柔韧性和强度著称,适用于各种没有外护套的环境。此外,它还提供了一层额外的护套材料,增强了耐用性和对环境因素的抵抗力。
  • EMI/RFI Shield-Flex®:提供三级屏蔽效果,保护敏感的电子电路免受电磁和射频干扰。可提供无卤素护套,以提高安全性。
  • 非金属导管:重量轻、耐腐蚀,由柔性和刚性聚氯乙烯制成,适用于腐蚀性环境和对重量敏感的应用。
  • 不锈钢导管:具有卓越的耐久性和抗腐蚀性,适用于恶劣或高温环境。
  • 专用导管:无卤导管的设计可在发生火灾时最大限度地减少有毒烟雾。还提供抗菌导管,具有防止微生物生长的特性,是卫生环境的理想选择。耐腐蚀导管可抵御腐蚀因素,确保长期性能和可靠性。此外,Electri-Flex 还提供低温和高温导管,在寒冷环境中保持柔性,在高温环境中抗老化。这些产品既有非金属导管,也有金属护套导管。


Bahra Electric

5.Bahra Electric



Bahra Electric 成立于 2008 年,当时名为 Bahra Cables,现已迅速崛起为电气行业的重要企业。公司最初专注于电线电缆业务,在短短八年内迅速跃升为全球第 48 大电线电缆制造商。这一成就反映了 Bahra Electric 对创新、质量和客户满意度的执着追求。作为其发展战略的一部分,Bahra Electric 实现了产品多样化,目前生产各种互补性电气产品,主要产品线已扩展至 11 个,可满足各行业客户的关键需求。



  • 导管解决方案:Bahra Electric 生产一系列导管,包括超重型、重型、中型和轻型导管。这些导管符合国际标准(NEMA、IEC、SASO),旨在为各种应用中的电气线路提供可靠的保护。
  • 联轴器和适配器:公司提供各种联轴器选项,包括标准、膨胀和伸缩双管膨胀联轴器。Bahra Electric 还提供外螺纹和内螺纹适配器,确保安装的兼容性和灵活性。
  • 盒和弯管:Bahra Electric 生产多种可供选择的电气箱,如环形箱、端子箱和角形箱,以及带喇叭口或接头的重型弯管。这些产品可确保安全有效地铺设电气导管。
  • 鞍座和附件:产品范围包括带式鞍座和带底座的鞍座,以及圆形盖、延伸环、适配盒、弯曲弹簧和用于顺利安装的 PVC 溶剂水泥等基本配件。



6.ANAMET 电气公司



ANAMET 电气公司成立于 1908 年,现已成为柔性液密导管系统制造领域的全球领导者。公司最初以其在耐用导管解决方案方面的专业技术而闻名,如今已扩大了产品范围,以满足各行各业不断发展的需求。阿纳米特电气公司以其对创新、质量和客户满意度的承诺而闻名,并十分重视遵守严格的安全和性能标准。



  • 导管解决方案:ANAMET 电气公司提供全面的导管系统,包括 ANACONDA SEALTITE® 系列。这些产品旨在保护恶劣环境中的电线和电缆,为户外、地下和密闭空间安装提供解决方案。导管选项包括适用于极端温度、腐蚀性条件以及零卤素和防静电环境等特殊应用的类型。
  • 柔性金属导管:公司的柔性金属导管有 UL 认证和非认证两种。这些导管由各种金属(包括铝和镀锌钢)制成,具有柔韧性、抗腐蚀性和抗压性。它们适用于商业、工业和 OEM 应用。
  • 非金属导管:ANAMET 提供经 CSA 认证并符合 RoHS 规范的非金属导管。这些导管非常适合需要灵活性、耐腐蚀性和连续弯曲的应用。产品包括采用各种增强材料的液密、非导电导管。
  • 特种导管:公司的特种导管系列包括用于高级屏蔽、抗辐射和极端温度的解决方案。其中包括专为核安全区、高温环境和食品级应用而设计的导管。
  • 配件和附件:阿纳米特电气的产品系列还包括各种配件和附件。其中包括用于安全连接的金属和塑料配件,以及灯具鞭、电线夹和防火材料等高性能配件。


Steel Tube Institute




钢管协会(STI)是钢管和导管行业的重要资源和领导者。STI 专注于提高制造技术和推广钢管产品的优势,与顶级行业成员合作,为各行各业提供创新解决方案。他们的使命是提供高质量的钢管产品,同时让规范制定者、设计师和建筑商了解钢材在现代应用中无与伦比的实用性和多功能性。



The Steel Tube Institute is recognized for its high standards and diverse product offerings in steel conduit and tubing. STI’s steel conduit products are integral to its mission, reflecting the company’s dedication to delivering reliable, resilient, and sustainable solutions for electrical systems.

  • Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC): Manufactured to deliver maximum durability, RMC is an essential product for environments requiring the highest level of mechanical protection. STI’s RMC is built to withstand severe physical impacts and environmental stress, making it ideal for industrial and outdoor applications. The product’s strength reflects STI’s commitment to producing raceways that safeguard electrical conductors in the most demanding conditions.
  • Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC): IMC from STI combines strength with lightweight properties, offering a flexible solution that balances protection and ease of installation. IMC is perfect for projects that require robust protection but benefit from a lighter, more manageable conduit option, aligning with STI’s mission of providing versatile solutions for a broad range of projects.
  • Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): Known for its ease of use and cost-effectiveness, STI’s EMT is a go-to product for residential and commercial applications. EMT offers reliable protection for electrical wiring in spaces that don’t require the heavy-duty strength of RMC or IMC, yet still demand high-quality performance. The lightweight and bendable nature of EMT exemplifies STI’s focus on providing flexible, efficient, and reliable solutions.


Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd




Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd is a family-owned business with a long and proud history that dates back to the late 1800s when George Whitehouse established a brass foundry in Birmingham. Over the years, the company evolved and adapted to market demands, transitioning from manufacturing brass products like bedsteads and door handles to focusing on flexible tubing solutions for various industrial applications. Guided by four generations of family leadership, the company has continued its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and quality. Today, Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd remains at the forefront of flexible tubing manufacturing, with a dedication to providing reliable solutions to customers across different industries.



  • Flexible Metal Conduits: Whitehouse Flexible Tubing Ltd produces a diverse range of flexible metallic conduits, including PVC-covered, galvanized, and stainless steel options. These conduits are ideal for the protection of electrical cables in construction and industrial applications. The Galvanized Steel PVC Covered Conduit provides excellent protection with its low smoke & fume (LSF) PVC coating, making it suitable for general-purpose applications, while the Stainless Steel Uncovered Conduit offers enhanced temperature resistance for demanding environments.
  • Fittings and Accessories: The company also manufactures a variety of high-quality fittings to complement its conduit products. These include the Swivel Conduit Fitting, a two-piece brass nickel-plated fitting designed for ease of installation, and the Fixed Male Conduit Fitting, which offers a secure, durable connection. Whitehouse also provides Plain Hole Fittings, ideal for seamless installations in a variety of environments.


Champion Fiberglass




Founded with a vision to revolutionize conduit solutions, Champion Fiberglass has become a leading name in the industry, known for its innovation and commitment to excellence. The company specializes in producing high-quality fiberglass conduit (RTRC), a material increasingly favored for its lightweight yet durable properties.

Champion Fiberglass is dedicated to sustainability and efficiency, reflecting in its state-of-the-art manufacturing processes that optimize performance while reducing costs. By focusing on innovation and customer satisfaction, the company supports engineers and industry professionals in achieving their project goals with confidence.



  • Champion Fiberglass delivers a diverse range of high-quality products engineered to enhance performance and durability in various applications
  • Champion Duct: Offers robust and flexible fiberglass ducting solutions designed to provide reliable protection and performance for electrical systems, even in demanding environments.
  • Champion Fiberglass Elbows: Precision-engineered elbows that facilitate smooth and efficient directional changes in conduit systems, ensuring seamless installation and operational efficiency.
  • Champion Flame Shield Phenolic Conduit: Delivers exceptional fire resistance for applications requiring enhanced safety and protection against fire hazards.
  • Champion Haz Duct XW Type: Specialized ducting for hazardous environments, providing superior protection and ensuring compliance with stringent safety standards.
  • Champion Utility & Pole Risers: Durable risers designed for utility and pole applications, ensuring secure and reliable connections under various environmental conditions.







Ctube, a premier PVC conduit and fittings manufacturer based in China, is renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality solutions for cable management and protection. Established with a focus on innovation and excellence, Ctube has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in the electrical conduit industry by continually investing in advanced manufacturing technologies and maintaining a customer-centric approach. The company’s dedication to advanced manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control ensures that its products consistently meet the highest standards of performance and reliability, driving its position as a leader in the field.



Ctube’s extensive product range is known for its durability, flexibility, and superior protection for electrical wiring, ensuring long-lasting and efficient performance in diverse applications. The lineup includes:

  • PVC Rigid Conduit and Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing (ENT): Designed for versatile and reliable cable management across various applications, these products offer excellent resistance to impact, chemicals, and environmental factors, making them suitable for both residential and industrial settings.
  • Conduit Fittings: A comprehensive selection of fittings, including couplings, adaptable boxes, and male adapters, ensuring seamless connections and system integrity. These fittings are engineered to provide secure and reliable junctions, preventing issues such as leaks and disconnections.
  • Low Smoke Halogen Free Conduits: Specially engineered to emit minimal smoke and no toxic gases during a fire, enhancing safety in critical environments such as hospitals, schools, and commercial buildings. This ensures that emergency situations are managed more effectively, minimizing risks to life and property.
  • Photovoltaic Solar Conduits: Built to withstand extreme outdoor conditions with exceptional UV resistance, these conduits are crucial for solar power systems, including the world’s largest solar project, the Abu Dhabi Al Dhafra PV2 Solar Power Project. Their robust design supports long-term performance and reliability in harsh environmental conditions.

Product complies with the AS/NZS 2053 Standard, UL listings, and CSA certification, reflecting Ctube’s adherence to the highest quality and safety standards. This commitment not only ensures the reliability and durability of their products but also reinforces Ctube’s dedication to meeting global industry benchmarks and customer expectations.

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What Electrical PVC Conduit Manufacturers are ISO 9001?

What Electrical PVC Conduit Manufacturers are ISO 9001?

In the dynamic world of electrical installations, the quality and reliability of components are paramount. Among these components, PVC conduits play a crucial role in protecting electrical wiring systems. For contractors, engineers, and electricians, choosing a manufacturer with an ISO 9001 certification ensures that the products meet the high standards of quality management and consistency. This certification, recognized globally, signifies a commitment to continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and regulatory compliance.

ISO 9001 certified manufacturers adhere to rigorous quality control processes and robust management systems, making them the preferred choice for many industry professionals. This article will briefly introduce the significance of ISO 9001 certification in the context of PVC conduit manufacturing and highlights some of the manufacturers who have achieved this standard. By understanding the benefits and identifying top certified manufacturers, stakeholders can make informed decisions that enhance the safety and efficiency of their electrical systems.

ISO 9001 is a widely acknowledged standard for quality management systems, applicable across various industries and organization sizes. It assists organizations in enhancing their performance, satisfying customer needs, and showcasing their dedication to quality. The standard outlines the necessary steps to develop, implement, maintain, and continuously improve a quality management system (QMS).

Atkore Group

1. Atkore Group

Atkore is a prominent global manufacturer known for its leadership in electrical, safety, and infrastructure solutions, with facilities spread across the globe, particularly its premium PVC conduit range. Atkore’s Queen City Plastics division, based in Fort Mill, SC, has been manufacturing high-quality PVC electrical conduit, elbows, and fittings for over 50 years. Known for their durability and reliability, these products include Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 rigid PVC conduit as well as conduit for encased or direct burial applications, all meeting UL, NEMA, and ASTM specifications. Produced across several sites in the USA, Queen City Plastics’ offerings have earned the preference of distributors and contractors nationwide, maintaining a strong reputation in the industry for their consistent quality and performance

Among Atkore’s specialized product lines is Calbond, which includes PVC-coated conduits, fittings, and accessories designed to protect electrical systems in highly corrosive environments. Calbond products are UL Listed and ETL Certified, engineered to perform under extreme conditions. The conduit bodies feature a 2 mm urethane interior and a 40 mm PVC coating on the exterior, while all fittings incorporate flexible overlapping sleeves to ensure a tight seal at every connection. This robust construction ensures maximum protection and durability, making Calbond a trusted choice for challenging environments.



IPEX is the leader in thermoplastic piping systems, renowned for designing and manufacturing the industry’s largest and most diverse range of integrated piping products. Their comprehensive offerings equip professionals to tackle the full spectrum of challenges in municipal, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. IPEX’s dedication to quality, innovation, and sustainability is evident in every product they deliver, making them a trusted name in the industry.

One of IPEX’s standout features is the industry’s broadest selection of electrical PVC conduit, nonmetallic tubing, and fittings. These products are meticulously designed with contractors and engineers in mind, providing solutions that save both time and money while ensuring safety and compliance in electrical installations. Additionally, IPEX specializes in separation technology, offering innovative solutions for the effective separation of solids and liquids. These products are crucial for applications in water treatment, industrial processes, and environmental protection, ensuring efficient and reliable performance.

From superior electrical solutions to their extensive range of piping products, IPEX continues to set the standard, driven by a relentless pursuit of quality and innovation. Their commitment to sustainability and cutting-edge technology makes IPEX a trusted partner for professionals across various sectors.


3. JM Eagle™

JM Eagle™, with 22 manufacturing plants throughout North America, manufactures the widest array of high-grade, high-performance polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and high-density polyethylene (PE) pipes. These products cater to a variety of industries and applications, including utility, solvent weld, electrical conduit, natural gas, irrigation, potable water, and sewage.

As the world’s largest eco-conscious plastic pipe manufacturer, JM Eagle™ is known for innovative technology, exceptional customer care, and a diverse range of sustainable products. The company’s industry-leading pipes offer competitive advantages while minimizing environmental impact. Their global reach is dedicated to nurturing existing relationships and building new ones for a greener future.

JM Eagle™ creates an extensive range of premium, environmentally friendly plastic pipes that deliver exceptional performance. Their commitment to innovation drives a continuous stream of sustainable solutions, meeting the diverse needs of their customers. As a trusted and cost-effective source for environmentally responsible plastic pipes, they possess the expertise to meet demands across various industries and applications.

JM Eagle™ has dedicated substantial resources to research and development, harmonizing cutting-edge product technology with advanced automation to yield top-tier sustainable solutions. The company’s unwavering commitment revolves around producing the finest quality plastic pipes, upholding their promise to maintain enduring product excellence.


4. Western Tube

Western Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries, aims to be the most successful supplier of steel and aluminum conduit and EMT, making it the first choice for customers in its markets. Since 1964, the company has been dedicated to service, quality, and building lasting relationships. Western Tube offers a comprehensive range of high-quality electrical products designed to meet diverse industry needs. Their product line includes Steel EMT, Z1-Strut, Rigid Metal Conduit, Intermediate Metal Conduit, Rigid Aluminum Conduit, and various Time-Saving Electrical Products. These products are engineered for exceptional performance and reliability, making Western Tube a trusted choice for electrical contractors and professionals.

Western Tube is committed to serving its customers by ensuring the quality of its products, meeting or exceeding expectations, and providing unmatched customer service. The success of their customers is central to their mission, driving them to support and participate in their customers’ success. As part of Zekelman Industries, the largest independent steel pipe and tube manufacturer in North America, Western Tube is committed to making things easier for their customers (MAKE IT eZ). They provide high-quality, American-made products with exceptional customer service and next-day delivery from strategically located warehouses. This dedication is reflected in their efforts to simplify processes and deliver outstanding value to their customers.

The company continuously advances its technology to better serve its customers, capitalizing on core technologies and enhancing product quality. Western Tube strives for excellence in all endeavors, emphasizing continuous improvement and a passion for being the best. They uphold a strong code of ethics, complying with all laws and regulations and maintaining high standards of integrity in its relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, and communities.

Wheatland Tube

5. Wheatland Tube

Wheatland Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries, stands as a cornerstone in the industry, committed not only to providing superior products but also to solving contractors’ challenges with dedication and expertise. Since its inception in 1931, Wheatland Tube has upheld a legacy of service that dates back to 1877, when John Maneely, the founder of Wheatland’s parent company, began selling pipe, valves, and fittings in Philadelphia.

As part of Zekelman Industries, the largest independent steel pipe and tube manufacturer in North America and a leader in modular construction innovations, Wheatland Tube takes pride in offering a wide range of American-made products. These include Electrical Conduit/EC&N, Z1-Strut for structural support solutions, Standard Pipe for various applications, Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipe ensuring safety in fire protection systems, Mechanical Tube for diverse mechanical applications, Fence Framework for sturdy fencing solutions, and Energy Tubulars supporting energy sector infrastructure.

Wheatland Tube distinguishes itself by continually investing in advanced technologies to enhance logistics management, improve ordering insights, and streamline business operations for their distributors. This commitment reflects their mission to MAKE IT eZ for their partners, supporting efficient stocking and installation of their products across the industry.


6. ABB

ABB is a global technology leader specializing in electrification and automation, dedicated to fostering a sustainable and resource-efficient future. With over 140 years of expertise, ABB’s 105,000 employees worldwide are at the forefront of driving innovations that accelerate industrial transformation. The company integrates engineering know-how and advanced software to optimize manufacturing processes, transportation systems, power distribution, and operational efficiency across various industries.

ABB offers a diverse portfolio of technology products and systems designed for both industrial and commercial customers. This includes Control Room Solutions, Drives for precise motor control, Electric Drivetrains enhancing vehicle performance, and Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure supporting the transition to electric mobility. Additionally, ABB provides Industrial Software for comprehensive operational management, Metallurgy Products essential for metal refining processes, and Motors and Generators ensuring reliable power generation and utilization.

Complementing these offerings are PLC Automation solutions facilitating industrial automation, Power Converters and Inverters for efficient energy conversion, Robotics for automated manufacturing processes, and a comprehensive range of Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Products and Systems. ABB’s commitment to innovation and sustainability is further underscored by their Measurement and Analytics solutions, enabling precise monitoring and optimization of industrial operations to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

With a steadfast focus on continuous advancement and global impact, ABB remains committed to delivering cutting-edge technologies that empower businesses and industries to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving world.


7. Vinidex

Vinidex is a cornerstone of Australian manufacturing, renowned for its expertise in advanced pipe systems and solutions tailored to a wide range of applications. With over 60 years of operational excellence, Vinidex offers a comprehensive lineup of product systems designed to meet diverse industry needs. This includes PVC Pressure Systems optimized for high-pressure environments, PE Systems prized for their versatility, and essential Electrical & Communications Systems crucial for robust infrastructure. Their offerings extend to Process Piping Systems tailored for industrial applications, Ductile Iron Pipe Systems valued for their durability, and efficient PVC DWV and Stormwater Systems that address drainage requirements.

Vinidex also provides comprehensive solutions such as Building Drainage Systems and Stormwater and Underground Drainage Systems, catering to various environmental demands. Their product range further includes Mechanical Couplings & Repair Clamps for dependable pipe maintenance, along with a variety of Pipe Jointing, Accessories & Components that complement their extensive pipeline offerings.

Aligned with their commitment to sustainability and innovation, Vinidex integrates these principles deeply into their operations. Supported by Aliaxis, a global leader in plastic piping solutions with a substantial global workforce, Vinidex leverages international expertise to deliver cutting-edge technologies and solutions to their Australian clientele. This strategic partnership enhances Vinidex’s capabilities in meeting evolving market needs and reinforces their position as a leader in the Australian piping industry.


8. Ctube

Ctube is a leading and professional manufacturer of pvc conduit and fittings in China, specializing in the development and production of innovative PVC conduits and fittings for cable management and protection. Ctube offers a wide range of high-quality products, including UL-listed PVC conduit pipes, solar conduit and fittings, halogen-free conduit and fittings, and products compliant with AS/NZS 2053 and British standards. Ctube’s products have received multiple certifications, such as UL, CSA, CE, ROHS, IEC, and AS/NZS 2053, ensuring they meet stringent international standards for safety and performance.

Ctube is dedicated to delivering products and services promptly and efficiently, catering to a broad spectrum of customer needs. Ctube’s full-range conduit and pipe selection provides unparalleled versatility and choice, with a comprehensive array of certifications, sizes, and configurations designed to meet the diverse demands of modern electrical infrastructure projects. Whether for small-scale residential installations, large-scale commercial developments, or specialized industrial applications, Ctube’s extensive product line ensures customers have the right solutions readily available, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of their projects.

Ctube offers a comprehensive range, including Type EB, DB120 conduits, sch 40, and sch 80 expertly manufactured to protect electrical wiring and cables while maintaining code compliance. Furthermore, Ctube provides PVC ENT (Electrical Non-Metallic Tubing), a flexible yet robust alternative ideal for concealed wiring in walls, ceilings, and floors. Ctube is committed to serving products that not only meet but surpass expectations. Choose Ctube to upgrade electrical installation.

For more information, please visit our website:https://www.ctube-gr.com/

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Can You use Plumbing PVC for Electrical Conduit

Can You use Plumbing PVC for Electrical Conduit?

When it comes to electrical installations, it is crucial to use the correct type of conduit to ensure safety and reliability. PVC conduit is a popular choice for electrical installations due to its affordability, durability, and ease of installation. However, there may be confusion about whether plumbing PVC can be used for electrical conduit. In this post, we will explore the differences between plumbing PVC and electrical conduit PVC and whether plumbing PVC can be used for electrical conduit.


1.Differences between plumbing PVC and electrical conduit PVC
Plumbing PVC and electrical conduit PVC have some similarities, but they also have some key differences. Plumbing PVC is designed for non-pressurized applications such as drainage and venting, while electrical conduit PVC is designed specifically for electrical installations. Electrical conduit PVC is made with added UV inhibitorsimpact modifiers, and fire retardants to protect against electrical hazards, extreme temperatures, and physical damage. Plumbing PVC does not have these added properties and may not provide adequate protection for electrical installations.

2.Potential risks of using plumbing PVC for electrical conduit
Using plumbing PVC for electrical conduit can pose several risks. Plumbing PVC may not provide adequate protection against electrical hazards and may not be able to withstand high temperatures. This can lead to potential safety hazards, such as electrical shocks and fires. Additionally, plumbing PVC may degrade over time due to prolonged exposure to sunlight and weather conditions, which can compromise the integrity of the electrical installation.

3.Applicable codes and standards
The National Electrical Code (NEC) provides guidelines for the installation of electrical conduit, including requirements for conduit material. The NEC requires that conduit must be made of materials suitable for the intended use, and PVC conduit designed for plumbing use is not suitable for electrical installations. It is important to follow the guidelines set forth by the NEC and other applicable codes and standards to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system.

4.Alternatives to plumbing PVC for electrical conduit
There are various types of conduit materials suitable for electrical installations, such as steel, aluminum, and PVC electrical conduit. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to choose the right material for each application based on the specific requirements and conditions.

Based on the potential risks and hazards, it is not recommended to use plumbing PVC for electrical conduit. Electrical conduit PVC is specifically designed for electrical installations and provides the necessary protection against electrical hazards, extreme temperatures, and physical damage. As a responsible installer, it is important to follow the guidelines set forth by the NEC and other applicable codes and standards to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system.

In conclusion, when it comes to electrical installations, it is crucial to use the appropriate conduit material to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system. As a manufacturer of PVC conduit, it is our responsibility to provide high-quality and reliable products that meet the necessary standards and guidelines. Contact us today to learn more about our PVC conduit products and how we can help you with your electrical installation needs.

Can You use Plumbing PVC for Electrical Conduit? 阅读更多 "

Differences between Metallic and Non-Metallic Flexible Conduit

Differences between Metallic and Non-Metallic Flexible Conduit

Electrical wiring requires protection from physical damage, moisture, dust, and other hazards. Flexible conduit is an excellent solution for these needs, as it allows cables to bend and twist while remaining protected. However, there are two types of flexible conduit available: metallic and non-metallic. In this post, we’ll explore the key differences between them to help you choose the right option for your application.

Metallic Flexible Conduit

Metallic flexible conduit is made of steel or aluminum, coated with a protective layer that resists corrosion and abrasion. It’s highly durable and can withstand high temperatures and extreme weather conditions. It’s also suitable for environments where electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a concern. However, it’s heavier than non-metallic conduit and can be more difficult to install in tight spaces.

non metallic flexible conduit

Non-Metallic Flexible Conduit 

Non-metallic flexible conduit is made of plastic or nylon materials that are lightweight and easy to work with. It’s ideal for residential and commercial applications where flexibility is important but EMI protection isn’t necessary. Non-metallic conduit is less expensive than metal conduit and is resistant to most chemicals and UV radiation. However, it’s not as durable as metallic conduit and can become brittle over time.

Key Differences Between Metallic and Non-Metallic Flexible Conduit

  • Physical properties: metallic conduit is heavier and stronger than non-metallic conduit, which is lighter and more flexible.
  • Electrical properties: metallic conduit offers better shielding against EMI than non-metallic conduit.
  • Cost and availability: metallic conduit is more expensive than non-metallic conduit, but it’s widely available in various sizes and shapes.

Choosing the Right Flexible Conduit for Your Application When selecting between metallic and non-metallic conduit, consider the specific needs of your installation, such as the environment, the types of cables you’re using, and your budget. It’s also important to follow proper installation guidelines to ensure that the conduit provides adequate protection and doesn’t compromise the integrity of the wiring.

In conclusion, flexible conduit is an essential component in electrical installations, offering protection against various hazards. By understanding the differences between metallic and non-metallic conduit, you can make an informed decision about which type will best suit your needs. If you’re unsure which option to choose, consult with a qualified electrician or conduit manufacturer for expert advice.

Differences between Metallic and Non-Metallic Flexible Conduit 阅读更多 "



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