附表 40 PVC 导管


How deep should Schedule 40 PVC conduit be buried?

schedule 40 pvc conduit burial depth


Properly installing 附表 40 PVC 导管 requires determining the optimal burial depth to balance protection needs with accessibility. While the NEC recommends a minimum of 18 to 24 inches, special applications may require greater depths up to 3 feet or more.

Minimum Code Requirements

The National Electrical Code (NEC) recommends a minimum burial depth of 18 to 24 inches for Schedule 40 PVC conduit. Local electrical codes may require depths up to 30 inches depending on applications and exposures. Always verify the exact minimum depth stipulated by local codes to ensure compliance.

Factors Impacting The Optimal Depth


Deeper burial provides greater protection against:

• Mechanized landscaping and digging tools
• Impacts from falling objects
• Crushing by heavy equipment over time
• Exposure to corrosive chemicals in some soils


Conduit running under:

• Roadways requires depths of 30 to 48 inches under asphalt and 30 to 36 inches under concrete for vehicles and snow plows.

• Driveways needs at least 30 inches of cover to protect against impacts and vibrations from cars.


Schedule 40 PVC conduit in:

• Harsh, alkaline or acidic soils may necessitate greater depths up to 3 feet to limit chemical exposure and prevent moisture wicking into conduit over time.

• Wet, poorly drained areas may also benefit from increased depth to keep conduit drier.


Ease of access affects optimal burial depth by balancing the need for:

• Future repairs and modifications – shallower depth enables quicker access
• Minimal future disruption – deeper ensures longevity but repairs become more difficult.

Recommended Installation

Proper installation techniques help maximize conduit protection:

• Cushion the trench bottom with sand or soil
• Center conduit and slope down
• Add tracer wire for locating
• Backfill in thin layers and compact thoroughly using a plate compactor or tamper.

Special Applications

For high voltage circuits or direct burial applications:

• Greater depths up to 30 to 36 inches provide larger safety margins and help conduit withstand heavier mechanical stresses long-term.


Periodic inspections:

• Shortly after backfilling look for proper compaction and slight soil mound over conduit.
• Following heavy rains check for soil settling, cracks or moisture intrusion that indicates damage.

In summary, optimal burial depth for Schedule 40 PVC conduit balances many factors. While code minimums provide basic protection, special applications and harsh conditions may require significantly deeper installations to ensure long-term performance and reliability. Proper installation and periodic inspections further maximize conduit service life

How deep should Schedule 40 PVC conduit be buried? 阅读更多 "

SCH 40 与 SCH 80,区别何在?

终极指南:SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管与 SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管的比较

Sch40 聚氯乙烯导管 VS Sch80 聚氯乙烯导管
sch40 PVC导管与Sch80 PVC导管的比较

PVC 导管是建筑项目中最常用的电气导管类型之一。它们由聚氯乙烯制成,是一种耐用、轻便且易于安装的塑料。聚氯乙烯导管有不同的厚度或规格,其中最常见的是 SCH 40 和 SCH 80。在本文中,我们将探讨以下两种导管之间的区别 SCH 40 PVC 导管SCH 80 PVC 导管 并帮助您为下一个项目选择合适的产品。

SCH 40 导管

什么是 SCH 40 PVC 导线?


SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管是一种聚氯乙烯管材,它的管壁比其他类型的聚氯乙烯导管更厚,因此更耐用、更耐损坏。SCH 40 中的 "SCH "代表 "Schedule",即管壁厚度。SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管是最常用的聚氯乙烯导管。 PVC 导管 由于其经济实惠、经久耐用且易于安装,在电气安装中被广泛使用。

SCH 40 PVC 导管的主要优点之一是易于安装。它们重量轻、易切割,因此易于加工。此外,它们还具有耐腐蚀性和耐化学性,因此非常适合在恶劣的环境中使用。最后,SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管具有光滑的内表面,可以减少摩擦,使电线更容易穿过。

SCH 80导管

什么是 SCH 80 PVC 导线?


SCH 80 PVC 导管是一种比 SCH 40 PVC 导管壁更厚的 PVC 管。较厚的管壁使其更加耐用,抗损坏能力更强,非常适合用于要求更高的电气安装。SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管更贵,因此在一些承包商和电工中不太受欢迎。

SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管的主要优点之一是压力等级更高。与 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管相比,SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管可以承受更高的压力,因此非常适合在高压环境下使用。此外,SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管更耐热和耐火,因此非常适合用于消防安全要求较高的领域。

40 和 80 之间的差异

附表 40 聚氯乙烯导管与附表 80 聚氯乙烯导管的区别




与相同规格的附表 80 导管相比,附表 40 导管的管壁更薄。两种规格的外径相同,因此可以互换使用。不过,Schedule 80 增加的厚度在内侧,因此内径较小。


一根直径为 1.315 英寸、规格为 80 的相同导管由于管壁材料较厚,重量为 0.406 磅,而规格为 40 的导管重量为 0.327 磅。


安装难度也会受到影响。附表 40 的内径更宽,拉线更简单,而附表 80 可容纳的相同尺寸的导线更少。

不过,Schedule 80 的管壁较厚,在交通繁忙或危险条件下可提供更大的保护,防止损坏。




由于使用的材料较少,Schedule 40 导管的强度较低。Schedule 80 的管壁较厚,具有更高的刚度、耐用性和抗应变能力,适用于要求苛刻的应用场合。

毫不奇怪,Schedule 80 导管的生产成本更高,因为其内壁使用了额外的材料并添加了着色剂。其额定性能越高,价格也就越高


附表 40 PVC 电线管通常用于安装在天花板、地板、墙壁、混凝土外壳的地下以及暴露在阳光直射下。

附表 80 导管的应用范围更广,可用于任何适用于附表 40 导管的地方。

美国国家电气规范 (NEC) 要求附表 80 导管用于可能发生物理损坏的地面安装。附表 80 的管壁较厚,在这些危险场所可提供额外的保护层,防止撞击或磨损,从而提高安全性。

SCH 40 PVC导管与SCH 80 PVC导管:您应该选择哪一种?


在选择 SCH 40 PVC 导线和 SCH 80 PVC 导线时,有几个因素需要考虑:

耐用性:SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管更耐用,可以承受更多的磨损。不过,SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管仍然相当耐用,是大多数电气安装的理想选择。

价格SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管更实惠,因此受到许多承包商和电工的青睐。

压力等级:SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管的压力等级高于 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管,因此非常适合高压应用场合。

防火安全:SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管更耐热、更耐火,因此非常适合在消防安全要求较高的场所使用。

易于安装:SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管比 SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管更容易安装,因为它们重量更轻,更容易切割。

在 SCH 40 PVC 导线和 SCH 80 PVC 导线之间做出选择,最终取决于您的具体需求和要求。如果您正在寻找一种价格适中、经久耐用、易于安装的 PVC 导管,那么 SCH 40 PVC 导管可能是您的不二之选。如果您需要能承受更大压力、更耐热和防火的 PVC 导管,SCH 80 PVC 导管可能是更好的选择。无论您选择哪种类型的 PVC 导管,请务必与信誉良好的供应商合作,以确保您获得符合所有行业标准的高质量产品。




对于大多数家庭室内布线项目来说,Schedule 40 PVC 导管可以有效满足您的需求。但如果是在室外环境或容易受到冲击的工业环境中安装导管,Schedule 80 导管的超厚管壁可为您的电气系统提供出色的保护。

[1] 附表 40 PVC 导管 -  https://www.pvcconduitmanufacturer.com/schedule-40-pvc-conduit/
[2] 附表 80 PVC 导管 - https://www.pvcconduitmanufacturer.com/schedule-80-pvc-conduit-electrical-pipe/


终极指南:SCH 40 聚氯乙烯导管与 SCH 80 聚氯乙烯导管的比较 阅读更多 "

SCH 40 Conduit

What are Some Common Applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit?

Schedule 40 PVC conduit is commonly used in a variety of applications for electrical wiring and cabling. Some common applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit include:

  1. Residential and commercial electrical wiring: Schedule 40 PVC conduit is often used to protect and route electrical wiring in homes, offices, and other buildings.
  2. Outdoor lighting and irrigation systems: Schedule 40 PVC conduit is also commonly used in outdoor lighting and irrigation systems to protect wiring from the elements and physical damage.
  3. Telecommunications and data wiring: Schedule 40 PVC conduit can be used to protect telecommunications and data wiring, such as fiber optic cables, from damage and interference.
  4. HVAC systems: Schedule 40 PVC conduit can be used to protect and route wiring for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
  5. Signage and display lighting: Schedule 40 PVC conduit is often used to protect wiring for signage and display lighting, such as in retail stores or outdoor advertising.

Overall, Schedule 40 PVC conduit is a versatile and cost-effective option for protecting and routing electrical wiring in a variety of applications.

What are Some Common Applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit? 阅读更多 "

PVC Conduit Fill Chart

PVC Conduit Fill Chart

The PVC conduit fill chart is a table used to determine the maximum number of wires that can be safely installed in PVC conduit tubing based on the size of the conduit and the gauge of the wire. The chart provides information on the allowable number of wires for each combination, taking into account the requirements set forth by the National Electrical Code (NEC) or other applicable standards. It is an essential tool for electricians and engineers working on wiring projects that involve PVC conduits.

The PVC conduit fill table helps calculate the safe number of THWN or THHN wires that can fit in PVC conduit tubing. It lists conduit sizes (Schedule 40 or 80) horizontally and wire gauges (AWG or MCM) vertically to display the maximum number of wires allowed for each combination according to the 2020 NEC code.

Trade Size
in Inches
                                                         Wire Size (THWN, THHN)                                      Conductor Size AWG/kcmil
14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 750
1/2 40 11 8 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
80 9 6 4 2 1 1 1 1
3/4 40 21 15 9 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
80 17 12 7 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 40 34 25 15 9 6 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
80 28 20 13 7 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
1-1/4 40 60 43 27 16 11 7 6 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
80 51 37 23 13 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1-1/2 40 82 59 37 21 15 9 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
80 70 51 32 18 13 8 7 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 40 135 99 62 36 26 16 13 11 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
80 118 86 54 31 22 14 12 10 7 6 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2-1/2 40 193 141 89 51 37 22 19 16 12 10 8 7 6 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1
80 170 124 78 45 32 20 17 14 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
3 40 299 218 137 79 57 35 30 25 18 15 13 11 9 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 2
80 265 193 122 70 51 31 26 22 16 14 11 9 8 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2
3-1/2 40 401 293 184 106 77 47 40 33 25 21 17 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 4 3
80 358 261 164 95 68 42 35 30 22 18 15 13 10 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 3
4 40 517 377 238 137 99 61 51 43 32 27 22 18 15 12 11 9 8 7 5 5 4
80 464 338 213 123 89 54 46 39 29 24 20 17 14 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 4
5 40 815 594 374 216 156 96 81 68 50 42 35 29 24 20 17 >15 13 11 9 8 7
80 736 537 338 195 141 86 73 61 45 38 32 26 22 18 15 13 12 10 8 7 7
6 40 1178 859 541 312 225 138 117 98 73 61 51 42 35 28 24 21 19 16 13 11 11
80 1055 770 485 279 202 124 105 88 65 55 46 38 31 25 22 19 17 14 12 10 9

PVC Conduit Fill Chart 阅读更多 "

pvc conduit applications

What are the typical applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe?

Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is a type of plastic pipe made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is commonly used in a variety of applications that require protection and routing of electrical wires or cables. One of the primary advantages of Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is its ability to protect wires and cables from physical stress, moisture, and other environmental factors.

The following are some of the typical applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe:

Electrical wiring: Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is widely used in electrical wiring applications for residential, commercial, and industrial settings. It provides protection and routing of wires and cables, and helps to prevent damage from physical stress, moisture, and other environmental factors. This type of conduit pipe is commonly used for indoor and outdoor applications, including lighting fixtures, power outlets, and control panels.

Plumbing: Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is also used in plumbing applications for drainage, sewage, and other fluid transportation systems. It is corrosion-resistant and provides a long-lasting, leak-free solution for plumbing needs. This type of conduit pipe is commonly used for underground plumbing, vent pipes, and waste water systems.

HVAC systems: Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe can be used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for routing pipes and ducts. It provides a lightweight and durable option that is resistant to weather conditions, chemicals, and other environmental factors. This type of conduit pipe is commonly used for ductwork, ventilation systems, and air conditioning units.

Irrigation systems: Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is commonly used in irrigation systems for protecting and routing water pipes. It is resistant to corrosion and can withstand exposure to moisture and other environmental factors. This type of conduit pipe is commonly used for underground irrigation systems, garden hoses, and sprinkler systems.

电信: Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is used in telecommunications applications for routing fiber optic cables, copper cables, and other communication lines. It provides a durable and weather-resistant solution for protecting and routing these communication lines. This type of conduit pipe is commonly used for telephone lines, internet cables, and satellite television systems.

Overall, Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe is a versatile material that is widely used in various industries and applications for protecting and routing wires, cables, pipes, and other systems. It is lightweight, durable, and easy to install, making it a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.

What are the typical applications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit pipe? 阅读更多 "



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