pvc 管供应商

China PVC Pipe Manufacturers

2025 年中国 PVC 管制造商和供应商排名前 10 位

中国 PVC 管制造商 LESSO



中国乐购集团控股有限公司是中国领先的家居建材产业集团。凭借涵盖塑料管道、环保、新能源和供应链服务的多元化产品组合,中国乐购已成为行业内的综合供应商。2023 年,公司实现了 308.68 亿元人民币的销售收入,彰显了其强大的市场影响力和运营效率。


中国莱索在中国 19 个省和国际上拥有 30 多个先进的生产基地,展示了其对全球化和创新的承诺。公司的品牌 SNOW 已成为高品质管道解决方案和建筑材料的代名词。其产品范围广泛,包括 PVC 管材、管道和卫生洁具以及消防设备,旨在满足客户的不同需求。通过不断加强战略布局和扩大销售网络,中国莱索确保了优质产品和服务的及时交付,巩固了其在家居装饰和建筑材料领域值得信赖的领导者地位。


中国 PVC 管制造商 日丰



日丰企业集团有限公司是中国建筑材料领域的知名企业,专门从事创新塑料管道的研究、开发、生产和推广。日丰对客户满意度的承诺体现在其首创的产品和焊接保修服务上,解决了用户在安装和使用过程中的后顾之忧。日丰管业 "日丰管业,50 年不衰 "的品牌声誉已在中国牢牢扎根,并正在向国际市场拓展。在继续展示 "中国制造 "实力的同时,日丰始终致力于塑料管道的卓越制造,不懈追求完美。


自成立以来,日丰一直将产品质量作为公司发展的基石。20 世纪 90 年代,公司在中国率先采用欧洲先进技术,用现代塑料管替代传统的镀锌钢管,有效地推动了行业的变革。日丰已开发出广泛的产品体系,包括 PP-R 管、地暖管和 PVC 排水导管系统。日丰拥有 1,000 多项专利、国家认可的技术中心和严格的质量控制流程,确保生产的每个环节都符合最高标准。


中国 PVC 管制造商 VASEN



浙江伟星新型建材股份有限公司成立于 1999 年,是高品质、高附加值塑料管道制造领域的佼佼者,尤其以生产 PPR 管道而闻名。作为一家上市公司和 VASEN 旗下的国际品牌,伟星 NBM 在产品创新和质量方面体现了卓越的品质。公司在中国的浙江、上海、天津、重庆、西安以及泰国等主要地区拥有六家先进的生产工厂,增强了研发能力。


伟星 NBM 致力于质量和环境的可持续发展,已通过 ISO9001 和 ISO14001 认证以及各种国际认证,如 DVGW、AENOR、WRAS、TUV 和 CE。公司在全球拥有 20,000 多家分支机构和代理商,可确保为不同客户提供及时的服务和支持。伟星 NBM 的产品种类丰富,包括 PP-R、PE、PEX、PVC、PAP、PE-RT 和 PB 管材系统,广泛应用于供水、排水、燃气、供热和电力等领域,是现代基础设施建设不可或缺的产品。


中国 PVC 管制造商 GOODY



高迪科技有限公司于 1979 年在广东成立,现已成为中国塑料管道行业的领先创新者。作为不易燃 PVC 电线管和电线槽的发明者和制造商,高迪倡导从钢管到塑料管的过渡,大大提高了各种应用的安全性和效率。公司秉承 "追求卓越品质 "和 "勇于创新 "的经营理念,持续改进,为社会繁荣做出贡献。


顾地的产品种类繁多,包括针对不同应用而设计的各种管材,如 PVC-U 给排水管、高抗冲 PVC-M 给水管和抗菌 PP-R 冷热水管。高仪的产品规格齐全,包括 DN20 至 DN800mm 的 PVC-U 管和 DN20 至 DN32mm 的 PE-RT 地暖管,在建筑基础设施、市政供水、燃气输送和污水处理等领域发挥着重要作用。公司对质量和创新的承诺,使其在为现代社会持续开发安全、高效的塑料解决方案方面发挥着重要作用。


中国 PVC 管制造商 ERA



ERA管道有限公司成立于1993年,是ERA集团旗下专业从事PVC、PPR、CPVC和PE管道等先进管道系统研发、生产和销售的领先子公司。ERA拥有13家全资子公司和8个生产基地,占地面积超过150万平方米。公司于 2011 年 12 月在深圳证券交易所上市,在自动化和机器人等先进技术的支持下,管道产品的年生产能力超过 22,000 吨。


ERA公司致力于质量和环境的可持续发展,采用通过严格的NSF认证测试的专有PVC原料配方。公司严格的质量控制流程包括从原材料评估到最终产品包装的全面检查,确保每件产品都符合国际标准。ERA 的产品通过了 13 项全球认证,包括 NSF、DVGW 和 WRAS,为进入国际市场做好了充分准备。产品种类繁多,包括压力管道和管件、排水管、电线管和消防系统,旨在满足各种应用需求,同时遵守最高的安全和可靠性标准。通过对创新和质量的承诺,ERA 有限公司将继续推动全球管道行业的进步。


中国 PVC 管制造商 HOMSO



HOMSO(广东雄塑科技集团有限公司)成立于 1996 年,是热塑性管材和管件行业的领先制造商和创新者。HOMSO 于 2009 年被评为 "中国驰名商标",致力于提高各种应用领域的个人福祉和生活质量。从 PVC 给排水管道到低烟阻燃导管和 PP-R 管件,公司产品种类繁多,超过 6,000 种。


HOMSO 工程中心于 2019 年获得国家实验室认证,进一步巩固了其在该领域的声誉。该公司在塑料管道产品和安装设计的多项标准制定中发挥了重要作用,拥有 100 多项专利。其产品范围不仅包括市政给排水解决方案,还包括地下通信管道和地板采暖管道等专业产品。凭借对质量和安全的执着追求,HOMSO 不断为建筑和建材行业做出重大贡献,确保为现代基础设施提供可靠有效的解决方案。


中国 PVC 管制造商 白蝶管



上海白蝶管业科技有限公司成立于 1988 年,是一家专业从事塑料管道研究、开发和生产的大型国有企业,已有 30 多年的历史。公司在上海和黑龙江设有生产基地,产品种类繁多,包括给水管、排水管、地暖管和地源热泵等。作为 PP-R 管道行业的先驱,白蝶赢得了众多荣誉,包括中国十大品牌和上海市高新技术企业。


公司采用国际进口原材料和先进的生产设备,以质量承诺和客户放心为荣。其丰富的产品线包括 PVC-U 排水管和电气套管,设计符合最高行业标准。白蝶公司在整个生产过程中采用严格的质量控制措施,确保只有最好的产品才能进入市场。此外,公司先进的管理方法和强大的地区业务使其能够提供高效的服务,从而提高亚洲、欧洲和非洲地区的客户满意度和市场竞争力。



8.Zhejiang Zhongcai Pipe Technology Co.


浙江中财管业科技股份有限公司经过近 30 年的快速发展,已成为中国化学建材行业的主要企业。公司在全国拥有 12 个生产基地,年生产能力超过 200 万吨,销售额近 200 亿元。浙江中财建立了强大的 "四位一体 "客户服务体系,包括 20 多个市场总部和 10,000 多个服务网点,确保为客户提供全面支持。


公司将市场调研和客户需求放在首位,致力于提供安全可靠的综合管道解决方案。浙江中财丰富的产品组合包括 10 大管道系统和 80 多个系列,超过 10,000 个品种。产品涵盖建筑、市政基础设施、家庭装修、暖通空调和农业灌溉等多个领域。在这些产品中,PVC 管材发挥着至关重要的作用,为各种应用提供耐用、高效的解决方案。浙江中财致力于创新和环保,是中国最大的专业塑料管材制造商之一,努力实现与客户和社会的共赢发展。


中国 PVC 管制造商 Hansu



湖北汉塑管业集团有限公司成立于 2008 年,在塑料管道行业迅速崛起。公司位于武汉巴泉工业园,交通便利,便于高效配送。公司注册资本 1.001 亿元人民币,是一家集研究、开发、生产、销售和设计安装为一体的综合性企业,拥有一支技术精湛的研究和技术人员队伍。


湖北汉寿将质量和创新放在首位,拥有专业的挤出生产线和注塑机,生产各种产品。其产品包括 PVC-U 硬管和管件、聚乙烯给水管、HDPE 中空壁缠绕管以及各种导管,如 PVC 绝缘电线导管和 HPVC 电力电缆护套管。这些产品应用广泛,包括城市供水、排水、污水处理和农业灌溉。公司产品种类齐全,反映出公司致力于满足客户的各种需求,同时在所有产品,尤其是 PVC 产品方面保持高标准的性能和可靠性。


中国 PVC 管制造商龙盛



龙盛公司成立于 1993 年,现已发展成为一家专业从事建筑装饰材料和浴室供暖设备设计、制造和销售的现代化企业。公司在上海、温州、滁州和江门拥有四个高科技工业园区,占地面积超过 20 万平方米,强调对创新和质量的承诺。龙盛以其强大的研发能力而著称,公司拥有百余项国家专利,并为国家室内采暖标准的制定做出了贡献。


龙胜的产品种类繁多,包括开关、插座、明珠浴室加热器、智能天花板以及种类齐全的管道系统。公司的管材产品包括 PP-R 给水系统、PVC-U 排水管和 PVC 导管等六大系列,可满足家庭装修、市政建设和工程开发等各种应用需求。龙盛致力于可持续发展和质量,已通过 ISO9001 和 ISO14001 认证,并被认定为浙江省著名商标。产品畅销全国并出口多个国际市场,龙盛以其创新的解决方案和高质量的标准不断赢得赞誉。


2025 年中国 PVC 管制造商和供应商排名前 10 位 阅读更多 "



Electrical conduit plays a vital yet often overlooked role in the safe delivery of power to homes, businesses and infrastructure across Australia. Hidden within the walls, floors and earth, these plastic and metal tubes form the substructure that houses and protects electrical cables and wiring. Due to the critical importance of reliable electricity supply and the stringent regulations that govern product safety, quality and durability are paramount in this industry.

This article examines some of the leading suppliers and manufacturers serving the Australian and New Zealand market by providing trusted conduit system solutions up to the highest standards. Spanning multinational corporations to local innovators, the following represents many of the top players currently shaping this specialized field through their capabilities, expertise and expansive distribution networks nationwide.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers


Clipsal by Schneider Electric

Clipsal, a subsidiary of Schneider Electric, is a prominent name in the electrical industry and holds a leading position as an electrical conduit supplier in Australia. With a rich history spanning several decades, Clipsal has gained a strong reputation for its commitment to innovation, reliability, and superior product quality.

With a robust manufacturing infrastructure and extensive distribution network, Clipsal has grown into a sizable company that serves various sectors including residential, commercial, and industrial. Their wide range of electrical conduits and fittings caters to diverse applications, providing solutions for both small-scale projects and large-scale installations.

Product Range

Clipsal runs a comprehensive selection of electrical products, including the Power Points and Switches, Electric Vehicle Chargers, Industrial products, Lighting products, Circuit Protection, Air Movement and Heating, Smart Home Solutions, Cable Management, Security and Safety, Electrical Accessories etc. And it’s electrical accessories product includes the rigid conduits and fittingsand made from materials such as PVC, galvanized steel, and stainless steel. They also provide flexible conduit options, which offer enhanced flexibility and ease of installation. This wide product range enables customers to find the most suitable conduit solution for their specific needs.


One of the key strengths of Clipsal lies in its commitment to technological advancement and innovation. The company invests heavily in research and development, continuously exploring new materials, manufacturing techniques, and product designs. This focus on innovation allows them to stay at the forefront of the industry, offering cutting-edge conduit solutions that meet evolving market demands.

Clipsal’s dedication to quality and safety is evident in their adherence to Australian and international standards. Their conduits undergo rigorous testing to ensure compliance and reliability. By prioritizing the highest quality standards, Clipsal establishes trust and confidence among customers and professionals in the electrical industry.

Customer Support

Additionally, Clipsal benefits from the support and resources of Schneider Electric, a global leader in energy management and automation. This partnership provides access to a vast pool of technical expertise and resources, enabling Clipsal to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the market.

Clipsal’s customer-centric approach is another notable advantage. They prioritize customer satisfaction by offering comprehensive technical support, training programs, and after-sales services. Their strong distribution network ensures efficient product availability and timely delivery, further enhancing the overall customer experience.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers


Legrand Australia

Legrand Australia is a prominent supplier and manufacturer of electrical conduits, operating as part of the global Legrand Group. With a strong presence in the Australian market, Legrand is recognized for its comprehensive range of electrical and digital building infrastructure solutions.


As a leading provider of electrical conduits, Legrand offers a diverse product portfolio that caters to the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Their conduit offerings include various types such as rigid conduits, flexible conduits, and cable management systems, providing flexible and reliable solutions for different wiring configurations.

Technology Innovation

Legrand Australia distinguishes itself through its commitment to innovation and advanced technology. They continuously invest in research and development to deliver cutting-edge conduit solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry. By incorporating the latest advancements, Legrand ensures that their conduits are at the forefront of efficiency, performance, and sustainability.


The company’s emphasis on quality and reliability is evident in their adherence to strict manufacturing standards and compliance with Australian and international regulations. Legrand’s conduits undergo rigorous testing to ensure durability, electrical safety, and resistance to environmental factors. This focus on quality assurance allows electrical professionals and contractors to have confidence in the performance and longevity of Legrand’s products.

Legrand’s dedication to sustainability is also noteworthy. They prioritize eco-friendly manufacturing processes and strive to minimize the environmental impact of their products. Legrand promotes energy-efficient solutions, including conduit systems that facilitate proper cable management and reduce energy loss.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers


NHP Electrical Engineering Products

NHP Electrical Engineering Products is a leading supplier of electrical solutions and a trusted name in the Australian market. With a strong presence in the industry, NHP offers a comprehensive range of electrical conduits, cable management solutions, and associated accessories.

Scale and Expertise

NHP has established itself as a significant player in the electrical industry, serving diverse sectors including industrial, commercial, and residential markets. With a wide network of branches and distribution centers across Australia, they provide extensive coverage and efficient product availability.


NHP specializes in offering a wide range of electrical conduits, catering to various installation requirements. Their product portfolio includes both rigid and flexible conduits, providing flexibility and compatibility with different wiring systems. Additionally, they offer a comprehensive selection of conduit fittings, cable trays, and cable management accessories to complement their conduit solutions.

Quality and Safety

NHP places great emphasis on providing high-quality products that meet stringent quality and safety standards. Their conduits undergo rigorous testing and comply with relevant Australian and international regulations. By prioritizing quality and safety, NHP ensures that their customers can rely on their conduit solutions for efficient and secure electrical installations.

Technical Expertise

NHP recognizes the growing demand for smart technologies in electrical systems. They incorporate intelligent features into their conduit solutions, allowing for remote monitoring, energy management, and predictive maintenance. By integrating smart technologies, NHP enables customers to enhance safety, efficiency, and control in their electrical installations.

Customer Support 

NHP is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer support and service. They offer technical assistance, training programs, and project-specific advice to ensure customers have a seamless experience from product selection to installation. NHP’s knowledgeable staff and strong customer service focus contribute to their reputation as a trusted partner in the electrical industry.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers

Iplex Pipelines

Iplex Pipelines is a leading manufacturer and supplier of plastic pipeline systems in Australia. With a rich history and extensive industry experience, Iplex has earned a strong reputation for delivering high-quality and innovative solutions for various applications, including water supply, sewerage, drainage, and telecommunications.

Product Range

Iplex offers a comprehensive range of plastic pipeline systems that cater to diverse needs. Their product portfolio includes polyethylene (PE) pipes, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, and polypropylene (PP) pipes, among others. These pipes are available in various sizes, pressure ratings, and configurations, allowing for flexibility and suitability in different projects and environments.

Innovation and Technology

Iplex is at the forefront of pipeline technology and has a history of innovation in the industry. They continuously invest in research and development to develop and improve their products. For instance, Iplex has introduced advanced manufacturing techniques, such as co-extrusion and cross-linking, to enhance the performance, durability, and longevity of their pipeline systems.

Sustainability Focus

As an environmentally conscious company, Iplex is committed to sustainability. They prioritize the development and promotion of eco-friendly solutions. Iplex’s plastic pipeline systems offer several environmental advantages, including corrosion resistance, low carbon footprint, and recyclability. These features contribute to reducing the overall environmental impact of infrastructure projects.

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Iplex maintains stringent quality control processes to ensure the reliability and performance of their pipeline systems. Their products undergo rigorous testing and conform to relevant Australian and international standards. Iplex’s commitment to quality assurance and compliance gives customers confidence in the durability and longevity of their pipeline solutions.

Technical Expertise and Support

Iplex boasts a team of experienced professionals who provide technical expertise and support to customers. They offer design assistance, installation guidance, and project-specific recommendations, ensuring that customers receive tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements. Additionally, Iplex conducts training programs and workshops to enhance the knowledge and skills of industry professionals.

Strong Distribution Network

With an extensive distribution network across Australia, Iplex ensures efficient product availability and delivery. They have established partnerships with distributors and wholesalers, enabling easy access to their pipeline systems throughout the country. This widespread distribution network enhances convenience and support for customers in various regions.






For 60+ years Plascorp have manufactured and supplied PVC pipes plus composite hoses, steel reo, ventilation and ducting to various industries in Australia. Also support customise and tailor solutions to solve customers’ challenges.

Plascorp offers a range of electrical conduit and ducting, manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS 2053, suitable for both commercial and domestic applications. Plascorp rigid wall PVC conduits are used by Australia’s growing telecommunications industry. PVC is ideally suited for electrical conduits, both for above and below ground cables as it is non-conductive, lightweight and easy to install.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers

Austube Mills

Austube Mills is a leading manufacturer of steel pipes and tubes in Australia. With a rich heritage and expertise in steel production, Austube Mills is recognized for its high-quality products, technical innovation, and commitment to customer satisfaction.


Austube Mills offers a diverse range of steel pipes and tubes designed to meet the needs of various industries and applications. Their product portfolio includes structural sections, circular hollow sections (CHS), square hollow sections (SHS), rectangular hollow sections (RHS), and line pipe products. These products are available in different sizes, thicknesses, and specifications, providing versatility and flexibility for different construction and infrastructure projects.

Manufacturing Technology:

Austube Mills utilizes advanced manufacturing technology to ensure the production of top-quality steel pipes and tubes. They employ state-of-the-art processes such as electric resistance welding (ERW) and submerged arc welding (SAW) to achieve high precision, structural integrity, and weld consistency. This technological expertise enables Austube Mills to deliver products that meet stringent industry standards and customer expectations.

Technical Innovation and Research:

Austube Mills is at the forefront of technical innovation in the steel industry. They invest in research and development initiatives to continuously improve their products and manufacturing processes. By embracing new technologies and exploring innovative solutions, Austube Mills remains at the cutting edge of the steel pipe and tube market, offering customers the latest advancements in design, performance, and efficiency.

Quality Assurance and Compliance:

Austube Mills places a strong emphasis on quality assurance and compliance. Their manufacturing facilities adhere to strict quality control procedures, ensuring that every product meets the required standards for strength, durability, and dimensional accuracy. Austube Mills is committed to compliance with Australian and international standards, providing customers with confidence in the reliability and performance of their steel pipes and tubes.


Austube Mills is dedicated to sustainable manufacturing practices. They prioritize environmental responsibility by minimizing waste generation, optimizing energy consumption, and maximizing the recyclability of their products. Austube Mills’ steel pipes and tubes are known for their durability, long service life, and low environmental impact, making them a sustainable choice for infrastructure projects.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers 


Vinidex is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of high-quality plastic pipe systems and solutions in Australia. With a strong presence in the market, Vinidex is known for its comprehensive product range, technical expertise, and commitment to sustainability.


Vinidex offers a wide range of plastic pipe systems designed for various applications, including water supply, irrigation, mining, gas distribution, and industrial processes. Their product portfolio includes polyethylene (PE) pipes, polypropylene (PP) pipes, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, and fittings. These pipes are available in different sizes, pressure ratings, and configurations, enabling flexibility and compatibility with diverse project requirements.

Technical Expertise:

Vinidex has a team of experienced professionals who possess in-depth technical expertise in plastic pipe systems. They provide valuable support to customers, offering guidance on product selection, design considerations, installation techniques, and project-specific requirements. Vinidex also invests in research and development to continuously improve their products, incorporating innovative technologies and materials to enhance performance and efficiency.

Quality Assurance and Compliance:

Vinidex maintains stringent quality control processes to ensure the reliability and durability of their plastic pipe systems. Their products undergo rigorous testing and conform to relevant Australian and international standards, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and customer expectations. Vinidex’s commitment to quality assurance gives customers confidence in the integrity and long-term performance of their pipe solutions.

Technical Support and Training:

Vinidex offers comprehensive technical support and training programs to assist customers in the proper installation and maintenance of their pipe systems. They provide resources, guidelines, and on-site assistance to ensure correct application and optimal performance. Vinidex’s commitment to customer support and training helps contractors and installers achieve efficient and reliable installations.

Strong Distribution Network:

Vinidex has a well-established distribution network across Australia, ensuring widespread availability of their products. They have partnerships with distributors and plumbing merchants, enabling easy access to their pipe systems throughout the country. This extensive distribution network enhances convenience and support for customers in various regions.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers

Pipemakers Australia

Pipemakers Australia is a reputable manufacturer and supplier of plastic pipe systems in Australia. With a strong industry presence, Pipemakers is known for its wide range of products, commitment to quality, and customer-centric approach.

Extensive Product Range:

Pipemakers offers a comprehensive range of plastic pipe systems designed for various applications, including water supply, sewerage, drainage, irrigation, and telecommunications. Their product portfolio includes polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes, and polypropylene (PP) pipes, among others. These pipes are available in different sizes, pressure ratings, and configurations to meet diverse project requirements.

Quality Assurance:

Pipemakers places a strong emphasis on quality assurance and compliance. Their products undergo rigorous testing and conform to relevant Australian and international standards. Pipemakers ensures that their manufacturing processes adhere to strict quality control procedures, resulting in products that meet or exceed industry standards for strength, durability, and performance. Compliance with standards ensures that their pipe systems are reliable and suitable for their intended applications.

Technical Support:

Pipemakers has a team of knowledgeable professionals who provide technical expertise and support to customers. They offer assistance with product selection, design considerations, installation guidelines, and project-specific requirements. Pipemakers’ technical support helps customers make informed decisions and ensures the proper installation and performance of their pipe systems.

Customization and Flexibility:

Pipemakers understands that each project has unique requirements. They offer customization options to meet specific project needs. This includes fabricating pipes with specialized dimensions, configurations, and fittings. Pipemakers’ ability to provide tailored solutions adds flexibility and ensures that customers receive pipe systems precisely suited to their project requirements.

Distribution Network:

Pipemakers has a well-established distribution network across Australia. They work closely with distributors and plumbing merchants to ensure the availability of their products nationwide. This widespread distribution network enables easy access to Pipemakers’ pipe systems, providing convenience to customers across different regions.

Electrical Conduit Manufacturers

Unistrut Australia

Unistrut Australia is a leading supplier of channel-based metal framing systems for electrical and mechanical infrastructure applications across Australia. As part of Atkore International, a large manufacturer headquartered in the United States, Unistrut Australia operates from dedicated facilities in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to serve local customers.

The company specializes in prefabricated Unistrut 1000 and Unistrut P1000 conduit systems which consist of perforated steel strips and adjustable ironwork fittings assembled together using a patented bolted connection method. This channel framing design allows for versatile routing and support of cables, pipes and equipment through open-back framing members. The systems can be installed as exposed floor and wall structures or embedded within concrete.

Both galvanized steel and stainless steel versions are produced to suit varied ambient conditions from commercial buildings to harsh industrial environments. Products are certified to Australian standards including AS/NZS 3000 for low voltage installations and IEC 61241 certification for hazardous/corrosive zones common in mining and petrochemical facilities.

Through its engineering expertise and field technicians, Unistrut Australia is capable of designing fully customized, project-specific framing solutions as well. This has made them a preferred partner for large-scale infrastructure work involving substations, gas plants, mining sites and utilities requiring robust cable management or piping over long runs.

With manufacturing facilities strategically located in major cities and a reliable network of electrical and process piping distributors, Unistrut ensures fast fulfillment for projects across all states and territories of Australia. As a leader in integrated metal framing technology backed by Atkore’s international resources, Unistrut is well-equipped to deliver for the nation’s industrial and commercial construction sectors.

pvc conduit manfuacturer -Ctube


Ctube is a manufacturer specializing in electrical conduit products, with a primary focus on PVC-based rigid and flexible pipes, as well as accessories. While relatively new in the Australian New Zealand market, Ctube has gained recognition for its commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction. Their product line meets the stringent requirements of Australian standards, including AS/NZS 2053, IEC, and CE certifications.

Ctube prides itself on delivering high-quality electrical conduit solutions for various applications. Their range of rigid PVC conduits offers robust protection and efficient routing for electrical wiring in commercial, residential, and industrial settings. These conduits are known for their durability, impact resistance, and fire-retardant properties, ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical installations.

In addition to rigid conduits, Ctube also offers a selection of flexible PVC conduits. These conduits provide flexibility and ease of installation, making them ideal for applications that require bending or maneuvering around obstacles. The flexibility of these conduits allows for efficient wire routing in complex wiring systems while still providing essential protection for electrical cables.

Ctube supports their conduit products with a range of accessories, including connectors, fittings, junction boxes, etc. These accessories are designed to ensure proper installation, secure connections, and effective management of electrical conduit systems. By adhering to industry standards, Ctube ensures that their products are reliable, safe, and compliant with the necessary regulations.

Ctube’s commitment to product quality and innovation makes it well recognized for the Australan merket. Customers who choose Ctube as their preferred supplier can expect innovative and reliable electrical conduit products, supported by excellent customer service and technical support. Ctube’s dedication to meeting industry standards and providing high-quality products has positioned them as a trusted partner for electrical contractors, builders, and professionals in the Australian and New Zealand market.


Related Topic : Top 10 PVC Conduit Manufacturers and Suppliers in Australia and New Zealand

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